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I shuddered as I stood beside him, and brought the lamp from the bracket in the hall. Mother Borton lay back staring affrightedly at the mystic beings who had come for her, but settled into peace as I closed her eyes and composed her limbs. "She was a rare old bird," said Corson when I had done, "but there was some good in her, after all."

Stanton impatiently invited Coventry to step in and shut the door and make sure that the electric heater was doing business. He trotted out to Lana in the reception-room and gave her comradely greeting. "Any other night but this, Lana Corson, and I'd have been up to your house to pat Juba on the side-lines even if I couldn't squeeze in one assignment on your dance order.

Stewart was fully aware that he had allowed the men in the square to draw an inference from a compliment that he had paid to Senator Corson's sagacity, and had refrained from making a direct declaration. But he was not minded to embarrass the girl any further. He bowed. "I thank Miss Corson for giving the gist of the thing so neatly." "I know I don't understand it all yet, father!"

Vanderwiller!" she said. "I am glad to see you! And how is your wife and Corson?" He looked down at her reflectively, and for a moment did not say a word. Then he swallowed something and said, jerkily: "An' you're the one that done it all, Sissy! The ol' woman an' the boy air as chipper as bluejays. An' they air a honin' for a sight on you." "Yes. I haven't been over lately.

After Senator Corson had recovered his poise his dignity asserted itself and he sat down and assumed an attitude that suggested the frigidity of a statue on an ice-cake. He checked Governor North with an impatient flap of the hand. "You have had your innings as a manager, North!" He proceeded frostily with Morrison.

It was a secret between them that the grandmother was to have the black silk dress that she had longed for all her married life; only Nan and Corson knew that Nan was commissioned to get the check cashed and buy the dress pattern at the Forks; or send to a catalogue house for it if she could not find a suitable piece of goods at any of the local stores.

The old man wrinkled his nose, already sniffing what was on the way. "Why, that Miss Lana may be calling, along with her father." "What then?" "Mr. Morrison is a gentleman, above all things," declared the girl, nettled by this supercilious interrogation. "If Miss Corson calls with her father and is obliged to wait, Mr. Morrison will be mortified.

"Step quietly," I cautioned my men, as we neared the dark and forbidding entrance. "Keep close to the shadow of the buildings. Our best chance is in a surprise." There was no guard at the door that stood open to the street, and we halted a moment before it to make sure of our plans. "It's a bad hole," whispered Corson. "A fine place for an ambush," I returned dubiously.

They'll be all right to-morrow. We niver touches 'em unless they takes the whites into their dens. Then we raids 'em. But there's too much of it goin' on, for all that." "This is depressing," said Luella, with a touch on my arm. "Let's go on." "Turn to the right there," Corson called out, as we led the way while he was explaining to Mr. Carter the method of smoking.

They were inside the door and he put his arm about her and led her toward the big screen and broke in on her little speech that she was making tremulously, apprehensively, with a sob in her voice, trying to hide her deeper emotions under her mock-dramatics. "Hush, dear! I don't want to hear any state talk to me! I want to hear only Lana Corson talk. I didn't understand her last night!