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Concha Arguello waits among them, immortal, sainted in her purity and fidelity, ministering to her poor Indians, her face alight with unquenchable memory and with surety of an eventual everlasting tryst. Those Castilian roses! They perfume forever one's memories of this pair, puissant in faith, in this novel that is a poem and a shrine of that love which lives when death itself is dead.

"Ah!" she said, "that was my ruin. I drove Dona Concha to choose between the fear of immediate death and anger to be. I had the curiosity of a demon, I wished to break the bronze circle which they had described between creation and me, I wished to see what young people were like, for I knew nothing of man except the Marquis and Cristemio.

Did I lie awake at night and think of Concha Arguello in red velvet and jewels all over, I should hate her. But no to-day I cannot. Two years! Have I not waited six? It is eternity when one loves and is young." "They come," said Elena.

Ibanez was accused of having espoused the Austrian party in the succession war, and was banished to Peru; and after him, the government was successively administered until the year 1720, by Don Juan Henriquez, Don Andres Uztariz, and Don Martin Concha.

It was a singularly imposing but hardly attractive presence, thought young Arguello, until Rezanov, after stepping on shore and bowing formally, suddenly smiled and held out his hand. Then the impressionable Spaniard "melted like a woman," as he told his sister, Concha, and would have embraced the stranger on either cheek had not awe lingered to temper his enthusiasm.

'One does one's best, answered Larralde, with his hand at his moustache. 'But yes! said Madame eagerly. She had a shrewd common sense, as many apparently foolish women have, and probably put the right value on Senor Larralde's endeavours. Father Concha and the General were, however, far away, and all women are time-servers.

Behind her rode Concha, in white with a pink reboso; Rafaella Sal, Carolina Xime'no, Herminia Lopez, Delfina Rivera, the only other girls at the Presidio old enough to grace such an occasion; Sturgis, who happened to have spent the night at the Presidio, Gervasio, Santiago and Lieutenant Rivera.

Never since the morning that the real nature of his feeling for Concha had declared itself had he yearned toward her as at that moment; never since the dictum of what she called their "tribunal" had he so rebelled against the long delay. And yet he hesitated.

'The rainy day it comes at last, said the Padre Concha, counting out his little stock of silver with the care that only comes from the knowledge that each coin represents a self-denial. 'I do believe yourself against yourself. Neither Estella nor her father had a great liking for the city of Madrid, which indeed is at no time desirable.

He had not made the world, and while deeply deploring that such things could be, he tacitly admitted that the human race had not been, creatively speaking, a complete success. Father Concha was brushing invisible grains of snuff from his cassock sleeve and watching Estella with anxious eyes. 'I only tell you, my dear, continued the General, 'so that we may know how to treat Mr.