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"And do you mean to say," continued Dick, with a glowing cheek and an uneasy smile, "that Spanish girls don't go out alone?" "No young LADY goes out without her duenna," said Aunt Viney emphatically. "Of course there's the Concha variety, that go out without even stockings."

The Englishman paused involuntarily and looked at the Spaniard. Concha bowed. 'We met, he said, 'for a moment in the garden of General Vincente's house at Ronda. 'True, answered Sir John. 'Are you leaving the Cathedral? We might walk a little way together. One cannot talk idly here. He paused and looked up at the great oak screen at the towering masonry. 'No, answered Concha gravely.

She came running to the gate and stood with clasped hands while he bowed for the seventh time and slowly dismounted, giving his leg an unnecessary shake that the full effect of spur and concha might not be lost. He felt the high importance of his visit, and Anita also surmised that something unusual was about to happen.

"We will shut her up for a day or two, your duenna." "So, we shall have Paquita!" said Laurent, rubbing his hands. "Rascal!" answered Henri, "I shall condemn you to the Concha, if you carry your impudence so far as to speak so of a woman before she has become mine.... Turn your thoughts to dressing me, I am going out." Henri remained for a moment plunged in joyous reflections.

But the next day he would go back, thinking with a sort of hope of Monteverde's pretentious superiority, and the disdainful air with which he received his fair adorer's worship. Concha would soon get tired of this mustached doll and turn her eyes on him, a man. The painter observed the transformation of his nature.

The little party the few defenders of the Casa del Ayuntamiento were left in some confusion in the Plaza, and Estella saw with a sudden cold fear that Conyngham and Concha were on their knees in the midst of a little group of hesitating men. It was Concha who rose first and held up his hand to the watchers on the balcony, bidding them stay where they were.

With Concha he was as simple, as direct, and as unsophisticated as the old priest himself, and now took his leave without attempting to disguise the fact that he had accomplished a foreset purpose.

'Most suspicious. There was a silence, during which Concha sneezed twice with enjoyment and more noise than is usually considered necessary. 'And your letter, he said, carefully folding his handkerchief into squares; 'that anonymous letter of warning that your life is threatened is that true? It is the talk of Ronda. 'Ah, that! laughed Vincente. 'Yes, it is true enough.

For it had happened to Father Concha, as it may happen to writer and reader at any moment, to meet one who in individuality bears a resemblance to that self which we never know and yet are ever conscious of. Sir John Pleydell, a few hundred yards away, obeyed the shopman's invitation to step upstairs with something approaching alacrity.

For women are wiser in their generation than men, and usually know better what is for their own happiness. Estella returned his glance with steady eyes. 'He has gone, said Concha. 'I have not been sent to tell you that he is going. 'I did not think that you had, she answered.