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For things good and things bad may be concealed, things that people should know and things that concern them not, great secrets of State and the flutterings of hearts. Victoria practised concealment. I found her crying once, crying alone in a corner of the terrace under a ludicrous old statue of Mercury. I was amazed; I had not seen her cry so heartily since Krak had last ill-treated her.

Not the development of the individual that is his own concern but the uplifting of the race would appear to be the law. The lonely great ones, they are the shepherds of the flock the servants, not the masters of the world. Moses shall die and be buried in the wilderness, seeing only from afar the resting-place of man's tired feet.

Little Sunny the Princess grew up without knowing that she was a Princess at all; and nobody else knew that she was a Princess either; and even the Queen had almost forgotten that she was a King's wife. That was nobody's concern though; and they lived in the tiniest cottage of all, and Sunny romped with every girl and boy in the place and was loved by them all.

"Mademoiselle wishes a table for herself alone!" he repeated doubtfully. "If you please," she answered. It was obvious that Mademoiselle was of the class which does not frequent night cafés alone, but after all that was scarcely Monsieur Albert's concern.

And again, "If thou, Lord, shouldst mark iniquities, O Lord, who shall stand?" Third. The third book that will at this day be opened, and out of which God will judge the world: it is the book of the law, or ten words given forth on the Mount Sinai. But this book will more specially concern those that have received it, or that have had knowledge thereof.

Fellow-citizens, what contemplations are awakened in our minds as we assemble here to re-enact a scene like that performed by Washington! Methinks I see his venerable form now before me, as presented in the glorious statue by Houdon, now in the Capitol of Virginia. He is dignified and grave; but concern and anxiety seem to soften the lineaments of his countenance.

The young lady had brought her muscles into order; and being clever enough in her merry way, she had taken the look of the character and was giving it admirably. It was hardly Theresa; her moveable face was composed to such an expression of simple inquiry and interest and affectionate concern. The spectators applauded eagerly; but Nora whispered, "What does she look like that, for?"

Smythe, however, she dropped in at the manufacturing concern of D. A. Elliston and Company. "Uncle Dan, how much money of mine have you in charge just now?" she demanded to know. "Cash? About five or six thousand." "And how much more could you raise on my property?" "Right away? About fifteen, on bonds and such securities. This is no time to sacrifice real estate."

Darford, having lived in the world as I have done from my childhood, I am not apt to expect much friendship from any one, especially from people in the habits of calculation; and I have been so much deceived where I have unguardedly trusted to the friendship and love of a man brought up in that sort of way, that you must forgive me if I could not bring my mind to think you had any concern for my happiness in the offer you made.

You drag on one's arm and the trigger, all ready to fire, is pulled accidentally. I know what I am about, so you need have no concern." Eleanor felt chagrined and meekly followed Polly after this. They crept through the woods without making a sound.