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Do you remember how the Apaches jumped the Verde buck-board the very week after we were married?" "And you spent half of the honey-moon scouting the Tonto Basin? I should say so! What with a courtship in a robbers' cave, a marriage in a cavalry camp, and a wedding tour in saddle, you had a unique experience, Wing, but you deserved her." And Drummond turns and grips his comrade's hand.

"Amen to that," mutters Hamersley, returning the squeeze of his comrade's hand with like determined pressure. "Sure as I live, it shall be so." An Indian bivouac. It is upon a creek called "Pecan," a confluent of the Little Witchita river, which heads about a hundred miles from the eastern edge of the Llano Estacado.

"I understand, Blink," replied Pan, earnestly, hoping to dispel the groping and doubt of his comrade's soul. "For you and me Louie's past is dead. We're gambling on life. And whatever way you put it, whatever the future brings, we're better for what happened tonight." Pan strode off in the starlight, across the orchard, down along the murmuring stream to the cottonwood tree with the bench.

"What's that?" exclaimed several of the men eagerly, catching at their comrade's words as drowning men are said to catch at straws. "Briant an' me buried some o' the things, by good luck, when we were sent to make all snug here, an' I'm of opinion they'll be here yet, if we could only find the place. Let me see."

You are more likely to get help for me if you go without arms; and, besides, Punch," added Pen, with a faint smile, "I might want the muskets to defend myself against the wolves." "All right," replied the boy, replacing the two clumsy French pieces by his comrade's side. "Keep up your spirits, old chap; I won't be long."

Just what it is, boys; and without this, nobody'd ever know what all those markings on the other papers were meant for." "Then it's all right, after all?" asked Hugh, smiling again when he saw that suggestive grin on his comrade's face. "It seems that I can make an aeroplane fool proof, when all the time the fool killer ought to get hold of me," Bud confessed contritely.

The escape had been so narrow, the relief at deliverance so great, that they were simply incoherent for a while. "Thank heaven, old man, that we have you with us again safe and sound!" cried Frank, as he grasped his comrade's hand and almost wrung it off. "I felt as though my heart were going to come out of my body while I watched you," said Bart, gripping the other hand.

"It strikes me the sooner we find the rest of it the better this weather." Seaforth drew in his breath. A strip of lead torn off that bullet was rankling in his comrade's flesh, and during the night bitter frost had laid its grip upon the forest. Wounds, he knew, do not heal, but fester under such conditions. "You can do it, Tom!" he said, and his voice was hoarse.

What she was afraid would happen came to pass like a flash. Her foot slipped, she lost her balance, and the next instant was precipitated into the river! When the motion picture girl fell from the sycamore tree into the water, some of the members of the company, who sat or stood near by panting after their hard chase cross-lots, actually laughed at their unfortunate comrade's predicament.

Punch heard the voices too, and he reached out and felt for his comrade's hand. "What is it?" he whispered. "Have they won? Not going to shoot me, are they?" "No, no," said Pen, "but" and he dropped his voice "I think we are all going on."