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When he couldn't get next to anybody else, he used to give me the earache tellin' of the times when he played stock in one of Daly's road comp'nies, and how he had to quit because John Drew was jealous of him. Then he'd leave his stuff with me and I'd promise to sneak it into the dramatic notes the first time I found the forms unlocked.

'All that Shakespeare iver wrote an' a dale more that the gallery shouted, said the man of war, carefully lacing his boots. 'Did I not tell you av Silver's theatre in Dublin, whin I was younger than I am now an' a patron av the drama? Ould Silver wud never pay actor-man or woman their just dues, an' by consequince his comp'nies was collapsible at the last minut.

"The principle of buying laborforce in the cheapest market and selling its product in the dearest has done much to make Englishmen what they are." "The railway comp'nies keeps 'orspittles for the like of 'IM," said the man, with a cunning laugh, indicating the horse by smacking him on the belly with the butt of the whip. "If ever you try bein' a laborer in earnest, governor, try it on four legs.

Th' sthreet-car comp'nies is robbers, he says; 'but 'tis thrue they've built up th' city, he says, 'an th' money 'd come in handy, he says. 'No wan 'd be hurted, annyhow, he says; 'an', sure, it ain't a bribe f'r to take money f'r doin' something ye want to do, annyhow, he says. 'Five thousan' widdies an' orphans, he says; an' he wint to sleep.

"When Abe fust come here to Cardhaven there was still two-three wrecking comp'nies left on the Cape. Why, 'tain't been ten years since the Paulmouth Comp'ny wrecked the Mary Benson that went onto Sanders Reef all standin'. They made a good speck out o' the job, too. "Wal, Abe bought into one o' the comp'nies was the heaviest stockholder, in fac', so nat'rally was cap'n.

''Tis a good thing f'r th' comp'nies, says this man; 'but look what they've done f'r th' city, he says, 'an think, he says, 'iv th' widdies an' orphans, he says, 'that has their har-rd-earned coin invisted, he says. An' a tear rolled down his cheek.

'Twas a shame to give th' comp'nies what they wanted, but th' five thousan' was a lot iv money. 'Twud lift th' morgedge. 'Twud clane up th' notes on th' new conthract. 'Twud buy a new dhress f'r Mrs. Dochney. He begun to feel sorrowful f'r th' widdies an' orphans. 'Poor things! says he to himsilf, says he. 'Poor things, how they must suffer! he says; 'an' I need th' money.

"We had no further spache thin or afther, but, wan by another, he drafted the twelve av my room out into other rooms an' got thim spread among the Comp'nies, for they was not a good breed to live together, an' the Comp'ny orf'cers saw ut. They wud ha' shot me in the night av they had known fwhat I knew; but that they did not.

'We had no further spache thin or afther, but, wan by another, he drafted the twelve av my room out into other rooms an' got thim spread among the Comp'nies, for they was not a good breed to live together, an' the Comp 'ny orf'cers saw ut. They wud ha' shot me in the night av they had known fwhat I knew; but that they did not.

Robert, and as he was still out lunchin' I scouts over to his club, and finds him stowed away at a corner table with this chatty playwright party. He's quite a swell, Oakley is, you know; and I guess with one Broadway hit in its second year, and a lot of road comp'nies out, he can afford to flit around under the white lights. Him and Mr.