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"L'anno quatuor-decimo del secolo presente, nel dramma che si rappresentava in Ancona, v'era, su'l principio dell' atto terzo, una riga di recitativo, non accompagnato da altri stromenti che dal basso; per cui, tanto in noi professori quanto negli ascoltanti, si destava una tale e tanta commozione di animo, che tutti si guardavano in faccia l'un l'altro, per la evidente mutazione di colore che si faceva in ciascheduno di noi.

"Chorus of harvesters: Deja l'aurore Qui se colore " "If you do not leave me alone, I will throw the contents of this water-pitcher at your head." "I never have seen you in such a surly temper. It looks indeed as if your divinity had treated you cruelly."

Des rayons du matin l'horizon se colore, Le jour vient éclairer notre tendre entretien, Mais est-il un sourire aux lèvres de l'aurore. Aussi doux que le tien? M. Mérimée was vile by nature, he must not be blamed for it. With regard to M. de Morny it is otherwise, he was more worthy; there was something of the brigand in him. M. de Morny was courageous. Brigandage has its sentiments of honor.

The celebrated Jason Mainus, of Milan, calls attention to his "elegance of figure, his serene brow, his kingly forehead, his countenance with its expression of generosity and majesty, his genius, and the heroic beauty of his whole presence." Raynaldus, 1460. No. 31. Statura procerus, colore medio, nigris oculis, ore paululum pleniore. Hieron.

The League was, in fact, the machine of the radical party, and all candidates had to be governed by its edicts. As the Montgomery Council declared, the Union League was "the right arm of the Union-Republican party in the United States." Every Negro was ex colore a member or under the control of the League.

"Chorus of harvesters: Deja l'aurore Qui se colore " "If you do not leave me alone, I will throw the contents of this water-pitcher at your head." "I never have seen you in such a surly temper. It looks indeed as if your divinity had treated you cruelly."

Hic locus est multum artificiose operatus marmore, et generose depictus auro et argento, varioque colore, cui prope ad tres passus est praesepe in quo reclinabatur natus Dominus, ibique videtur puteus quidam, in quo aliqui putare volunt cecidisse stellam ductricem trium Magorum, post eius peractum officium.

“O quam placens in colore, O quam fragrans in odore, O quam sapidum in ore, Dolce linguae vinculum. “Felix venter quem intrabis, Felix guttur quod rigabis, Felix os quod tu lavabis; Et beata labia!”

"Prius insolentem Serva Briseis niveo colore Movit Achillem." Nor were it gracious to invite an avowal of love and offer none in return. Yet, yet, expansive though his mood was, he could not pretend to himself that he was about to feel in this girl's presence anything but gratitude. He might pretend to her? Deception were a very poor return indeed for all her kindness.

The face of my friend with the great Venetian name was like one of Giorgione's pictures, of that soft and mellow colorlessness that recalls the poet's line, "E smarrisce 'l bel volto in quel colore Che non è pallidezza, ma candore," or the Englishman's version of the same thought, "Her face, oh, call it fair, not pale!"