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But the next moment she spied a face behind the curtains up in one of the windows, and hurried off with her pails. Gustav spat contemptuously between his teeth after her. She was really too old for his seventeen years; she must be at least forty; and casting another long look at Bodil, he went across to the coachhouse with oil-can and keys.

Walking softly on the wet grass and keeping well down behind the laurels, he went forward parallel with the drive. It ran into a clean courtyard with a coachhouse or garage on one side and a small green door, seemingly a side entrance into the house, on the other. There was no one in the courtyard and the house seemed perfectly quiet.

But the next moment she spied a face behind the curtains up in one of the windows, and hurried off with her pails. Gustav spat contemptuously between his teeth after her. She was really too old for his seventeen years; she must be at least forty; and casting another long look at Bodil, he went across to the coachhouse with oil-can and keys.

Instantly the other eighteen hampers joined in, until the whole coachhouse rang with the noise. The colonel subsided against a wall, and began to express himself softly in Hindustani. "Poor dears!" said Sylvia. "How stuffy they must be feeling!" She ran to the house, and returned with a basin of water. "Poor dears!" she said again. "You'll soon have something to drink."

"A hamper, is there? Well, bring it in." "If you please, sir, there's several of them." "What? Several? How many are there?" "Nineteen, sir," said Mary, restraining with some difficulty an inclination to giggle. "Eh? What? Nineteen? Nonsense! Where are they?" "We've put them in the coachhouse for the present, sir. And if you please, sir, cook says she thinks there's something alive in them."

It ought to have arrived by this time." "Yes. I am inclined to think it has. Had it any special characteristics?" "No, I don't think so. Just an ordinary pug." "Well, young man, if you will go to my coachhouse, you will find nineteen ordinary pugs; and if you would kindly select your beast, and shoot it, I should be much obliged." "Nineteen?" said the other, in astonishment.

It had been decided that they should start at eight o'clock the next morning, so they were all assembled in the kitchen by that hour; but the diligence, roofed with snow, stood solitary in the middle of the courtyard without horses or driver. The latter was sought for in vain either in the stables or the coachhouse.

"It would never do to allow any tricks to be played with the chap in there" he pointed to the coachhouse door. "The coroner here in the morning, and never a corpse to sit on!" He unlocked the padlock with these words, having handed the lantern to Tom. "Here, keck in, Tom," he continued; "ye hev the lantern and see if all's as ye left it."

Skreigh; I'se warrant I hae heard you sing a blythe sang on Saturday at e'en before now. But as for the chaise, Deacon, it hasna been out of the coachhouse since Mrs. Bertram died, that's sixteen or seventeen years sin syne . Jock Jabos is away wi' a chaise of mine for them; I wonder he's no come back. A loud rapping was heard at the door. "That's no them. I dinna hear the wheels.

He would have eighteen shillings a week at first, a stable suit, a driving suit, a bedroom over the coachhouse, and a boy under him. Sir Clifford is a good master, and if you could get the place it would be a good start for you. I don't want to part with you, and if you left us I know John would lose his right hand."