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I thought I'd faint when I see what I see a man in a buffl'ler co't wrong side to an' his head all tied up an' his arms fastened behind him. Land, if it didn't give me a start! Wal, I left my deer right there an' h'isted ye on my sled, and struck across Little Moxie for my camp here on the double-quick, now I can tell ye.

Gawd knows, maybe a hundred pound. Lots of folks take it into their silly heads they can go where they want. They carnt, not if the Landlord knows his Lor, not unless they're hoofin' it like me. Lot o' use bringin' me up to the Co't o' Charncery." "Do you mean to say that just for walking over a field a man can be had up to the court of Chancery and fined a hundred pounds?"

Course Marg knew it, but the two most consarned didn't meaning Jed and Burke. Least they suspected but warn't sure. Jed meant to get Burke out o' the way so he could have a clear space to co't Nella-Rose, so he aimed to shoot one o' Burke's feet just enough to lay him up Jed is the slow, calculatin' kind and an almighty sure shot.

"I reckon if you gimme till to-morrow," pleaded the husband, "I mout be able to rake or scrape it up somewhars. I never looked for to be a-payin' no ali-money." "The case air adjourned," said Benaja Widdup, "till to-morrow, when you-all will present yo'selves and obey the order of the co't. Followin' of which the decrees of divo'ce will be delivered."

"Cherokee gives him a stack of blues to start his game, an' is now pesterin' 'round in a co't tryin' to get the young one counter- branded from the Stingin' Lizard's outfit into his, an' given the name of Cherokee Hall. That's what takes him over to Tucson them times, an' not stage-robbin'.

The old "Peggy Stewart" house famous in history, though no longer occupied by her own family, still stood, a landmark, in the heart of the town and was pointed to with pride by all. "Dis sho' is de capital city ob de State, Ma'am. Yonder de guv'nor's mansion, jist over dar stan' de co't house, an' yonder de Cap'tal an' all de yether 'ministrashum buildin's, an' we'all's powerful proud ob 'em."

Talbot turned him neck and heels out of doors when he found it out, so they tell me and served the scapegrace right. Don't be in a hurry, child. Right man will come bime-by. Just the same with Peggy till I come along there she is now, bless her sweet heart! Peggy, you darlin' I got so lonely for you I just had to 'journ co't.

Foller, Pink, an' if you ketch me in any mistakes in the kyarin' an' addin', p'int it out. Twenty-two an' a half beds an' I say half, Pink, because you 'member one night when them A'gusty lawyers got here 'bout midnight on their way to co't, rather'n have you too bad cramped, I ris to make way for two of 'em; yit as I had one good nap, I didn't think I ought to put that down but for half.

You see, there's an order from the Fayetteville co't fo' me to give him up to this man Bladen." "But Uncle Bob says " began Hannibal, who considered his Uncle Bob's remarks on this point worth quoting. "Never mind what yo' Uncle Bob said," interrupted Yancy hastily. "Oh, Mr. Yancy, you are not going to surrender him no matter what the court says!" cried Betty.

Pards, I'm a Mexican! if they don't indict me for piracy on the high seas, an' pledge their words to see me hanged before ever co't adjourns. "'That lets me out, right thar! I sees the symptoms of my onpop'larity in advance, an' don't procrastinate none.