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"Still, I'd do the same thing over again." "Oh, of course you would," assented Dan. "That's because you're Dave Darrin." Here a voice like a bass horn was heard. "All third classmen report to the quarter-deck immediately!" This order was repeated in other parts of the ship. Midshipmen gathered with a rush, Pennington and Hallam being the only members absent.

The infantry drill followed swiftly, after which these same men must swiftly be immaculate in white ducks and the handsome gray full-dress jackets. Then followed dress parade, after which came supper, and the first classmen at West Point were through with the last day of full duty in gray! With beating heart Dick Prescott presented himself at the hotel that evening, and sent up his card to Mrs.

"Look at the passing list, Danny," laughed Dave. Unbelieving, Dan turned his eyes on the list and to his utter astonishment found his name posted. True, in "skinny" he had a bare passing mark. But in other subjects he was somewhat above the minimum. "So you see, old man, we'll both be here next year as second classmen," said Dave jubilantly.

A host of fourth classmen and some from the upper classes had been dropped immediately after the examinations, but Dave and Dan and all their more intimate friends in the brigade had pulled through. Darrin and Dalzell had come out of the ordeal with the highest markings they had yet achieved at the Naval Academy. Mrs.

"Oh, yes; months ago." "She broke the engagement?" "Yes," admitted Holmes. "But I don't care." "What's the present girl's number?" teased Dick. "Five," confessed Greg with desperate candor. "But this girl, Dick, is worth all the others. And she'll stick. After all, it's only a year, now, that she'll have to wait." At this point, however, we find Dick and Greg to be first classmen.

"They're making so much racket," murmured Dave, lingering by his own door, "that, the first thing we know, a duty officer will swoop down and rag the bunch." "Let's go in, then, as grave and dignified second classmen, and warn the youngsters like daddies," proposed Dan, but his eyes were twinkling with the spirit of mischief.

Briefly, what we did hear was that Miss Briggs had reported two sophomores for playing an innocent trick on her, and that Miss Harlowe had urged her to do so. Also that Miss Harlowe had visited the two upper classmen and, after rating them in a very ill-bred manner, had ordered them to apologize to Miss Briggs." Anne smiled. "I can't help smiling," she apologized.

"I hope our youngsters aren't going too far," Dave remarked, "youngster" being the accepted term for the third classmen, and the same as "yearling" at West Point. "Well, it's none of our business," replied Dan, with a shrug of his shoulders. "Study call will be along in fifteen minutes. Going to get an early start with the books to-night?" "I guess that will be wise," Darrin nodded.

The examinations over, Dave felt reasonably safe. But Dan's gloom deepened, for he was sure he had failed in "skinny," as the boys termed chemistry and physics. So it was that when the grades were posted Dave scanned the D's in the list of third classmen who had passed. Dan, on the other hand, turned instantly to what he termed the "bust list." "Why, why, I'm not there!" he muttered.

"They have not yet learned the respect that is due to upper classmen, sir." "And especially to third classmen?" inquired Dan, now without the flicker of a smile. "They are especially touge, sir, with third classmen." "And you are showing them the error of their ways?" "We are trying to do so, sir." "I thought so, from the noise we heard," pursued Dalzell. "If you have any better ways, Mr.