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The city guard was thereupon strengthened; but the lapse of several days in quiet was about to make the authorities incredulous, when another citizen brought them word from another slave of information precisely like that which had first set them on the qui vive. This caused the local militia to be called out to stiffen the patrol.

For any sort of man except the German the question is, Will you be a free citizen or will you be an underling to the German imperialism? For the German now the question is a far graver and more tragic one.

Graves had long been considered not only an excellent and upright citizen of the first standing among the whites, but even the slaves regarded him as one of the kindest of masters. Having inherited his slaves with the rest of his property, he became possessed of them without any consultation or wish of his own.

Who is this citoyenne?" added the officer, pointing to Dolores. "That is my daughter." "Be seated, citoyenne," said the lieutenant, politely offering Dolores his own chair. She accepted it, and the examination continued. "From whence do you come?" "From Beaucaire." "Afoot?" "No, citizen; we left the coach at Montgeron.

It was more difficult to resign a professorship than never to accept it. And, once a professor, a man soon got married and settled down as a citizen of the state, not in a position to dare anything. To dispose of my life at Broechner's request would be like selling my soul to the Devil. So I replied briefly that I was too much attached to Hauch to be able or willing to speculate on his death.

He is therefore perpetually reminded, in almost all his daily habits, of the two opposite systems of reasoning, and is perpetually called upon as it were to refer to the principles, which originally made the difference between him and another citizen of the world. Neither has the discipline of the Quakers a less tendency to the production of the trait in question.

Guard out!" and soon behind our backs we heard the squadron of horsemen clattering on the pavement. Márton did just as he had said. He pitched into the guard. Soon we heard a dream-disturbing uproar, as he fell into a noisy discussion with the armed authorities. "I am a citizen! A peaceful, harmless citizen! Ten glasses of beer are not the world! I am a citizen, Fugias Mathias is my name!

Nonsense; you know better than I how to write one of those charming notes there is no resisting." Josephine smiled at the compliment, turned her forehead to Bonaparte, who kissed it lovingly, and wrote the following note, which we have copied from the original: To the Citizen Gohier, President of the Executive Directory of the French Republic "Is that right?" she asked. "Perfectly!

"And what did you say to Tryphon?" asked Selene. "I did as I was obliged. Your father is steward of a palace which at present belongs to Rome and the Emperor; hence I must receive Hadrian as a guest in this, the dwelling of my fathers, and therefore I, less than any other citizen cannot withhold my share in the honors which the city council has decreed shall be paid to him."

Listen to me, my fine gentleman, and mind what I say: In the house of a free Alexandrian citizen no one has any right to give his orders be he Caesar, Consul or Comes; he has only to observe the laws of good manners." Then turning to Gorgo she shook her head with pathetic emphasis; "This, my love, is the consequence of too much familiar condescension. Come, an end of this!