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They assist in the preparation of meals, wait on the table, wash dishes, procure water and wood, chop firewood, and keep the kitchen, mess tent, and surrounding ground policed. They are under the orders of the mess sergeant and the cooks. Rifles need careful attention in camp. They should be cleaned and oiled daily, preferably just before retreat or parade.

"What are you going to do," said Alan, awaking to the situation. "Cut off head of that cocktail man, Major, and so save him lot of trouble. Also we got no grub, and if we find any he want eat a lot. Chop what do for two p'raps, make very short commons for three. Also he might play dirty trick, so much best dead." "Nonsense," said Alan sternly; "let the poor devil come along if he likes.

"I'm not a goose." "Well, what is the matter, anyhow?" said Dick. "They are not going to chop your head off it appears; so you ought to be glad, and not snivel like that." "I d don't want to to be e m made a guy of," sobbed the Dodo. "What do you mean?" asked the Executioner.

Well, we had ham, fish, pigeon's eggs and some things I didn't know the name of. The host took up a little mess of sunthin' on his chop stick and handed it to me. I dassent refuse it, for he meant it as a honor, but I most know it wuz rat meat, but couldn't tell for certain. I put my shoulder blades to the wheel and swallered it, but it went down hard. Bowls of rice wuz passed round last.

"Just as a strong man in cutting down a mighty tree to be used as the peaked roof of a pagoda, if the edge of his axe be turned in lopping off the branches and twigs, will not despair of cutting down the tree, but will go to an iron-worker's shop, have his axe sharpened, return, and go on with his cutting; and if the edge of his axe be turned a second time, he will a second time have it sharpened, and return, and go on with his cutting; and since nothing that he chopped once needs to be chopped again, he will in no long time, when there is nothing left to chop, fell that mighty tree.

Slyne's Chare is in South Shields, and Mason's Chop House stands at the lower corner of Slyne's Chare Mason's Chop House, where generations of honest Tyneside sailors have consumed pounds of honest mutton and beef, and onions therewith. For your true salt loves an onion ashore, which makes him a pleasanter companion at sea.

When you open it up on a big scale you'll have to send hundreds of men in there with machetes to chop paths through and clear off the tangled brush. We spent days in that jungle, at first because we had nothing better to do. Mr. Haynes, and gentlemen, if we know anything about mining, then that forest land is worth an immense fortune in the minerals it will yield.

"Oh, but in the world some men just go along and chop down ugly weeds, stir up the good, smelly earth for things to grow in, reach over to help the man in the next furrow if he needs it, and all come home at sundown together and the women have the supper ready.

From MRS. M. P. HART, of Ohio, President of State Board and Lady Manager. Make a batter with one cup sweet milk, one teaspoonful sugar, two eggs, whites and yolks beaten separately, two cups flour, one teaspoonful baking powder mixed with flour. Chop some good tart apples, mix them in the batter and fry in hot lard. Serve them with maple syrup.

But he took it, and it strengthened his resolution not to turn informer, which was probably Mr. Wix's object. He came away with an impression that Miss Hawkins had said: "The boy's lying. How could the front-wall of a house fall down?" But he had heard no more and was glad to come away. He went back to his Aunt Betsy and cooked his chop under her tutelage. What a time he had been away, said she!