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I passed from down to up mechanically, and enjoyed the chestful of air given me in the interval of rising: thought of Germany and my father, and Janet at her window, complacently; raised a child's voice in my throat for mercy, quite inaudible, and accepted my punishment.

"I am glad to know you feel that way," said Bessie, simply, with a glance at Thaddeus which was full of wonderment. "He is a treasure," said Bradley; "but your cook is a whole chestful of treasures. And how fortunate you and Thaddeus are! The idea of there being anywhere in the world a person of such ability in her vocation, and so poor a notion of her worth!"

"Certainly, if you drink it in that fashion. But why not try it with ice?" "Ice?" "You will find a chestful in my cell. Here is the key; which, by the way, has no business with this bunch. Felipe, yonder, who was always light-fingered, must have stolen it from my work-bench." "Hand it over. One must go to the priests to learn good living. Here, Jacques le Bec!"

'The air of Milan, he went on, with less confidence under Laura's steady gaze, and therefore more forcing of his candour 'the sweet air of Milan gave her a deep chestful, so that she could hold her note as long as five lengths of a fiddle-bow: by the body of Sant' Ambrogio, it was true! Beppo stretched out his arm, and chopped his hand edgeways five testificatory times on the shoulder-ridge.

A second half a second longer, and I should have shipped a mouthful, perhaps a chestful of water. I reached the surface at last, and, once above water, felt all right again. I looked about anxiously for my duck. But he was still down below.

"Now," said the "King," "for the Story of the Disappearing Gentleman and the Lighted Lantern." And then I told my story as it is already known to the reader, and I have to confess that, when I came to the chestful of doubloons and pieces of eight, I had a very attentive audience. But, at first, the "King" shook his head with an amused smile.

I hope you won't object to this." "Well," said Elephant. "I fear that your glasses will not fit someone my size. Nor, for that matter, the smaller sizes of my companions." "Jeepers," said the guard. "I hadn't thought of that. Perhaps you're right." He practically threw himself into his chestful of green glasses, but found none that would fit the animals. "I guess I'll have to make you some.

I passed from down to up mechanically, and enjoyed the chestful of air given me in the interval of rising: thought of Germany and my father, and Janet at her window, complacently; raised a child's voice in my throat for mercy, quite inaudible, and accepted my punishment.

Every Sunday the old man prowled about in the canyon, and he had come to know a good deal more about it than he could account for. He had gathered up a whole chestful of Cliff-Dweller relics which he meant to take back to Germany with him some day. He taught Thea how to find things among the ruins: grinding-stones, and drills and needles made of turkey-bones.

My father's perhaps; my mother's more certainly, since my father ran away. My mother would have run too, but she had no time. Eh, take me up, Signore! I cannot swim." Amilcare swung him up by the hand, so saved his life. Next day Grifone saved his. They burnt a monastery in the plain and ransacked a chestful of correspondence. "Death of Christ!" swore Passavente, "I can't read this Latin.