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"She is fretting her heart out. That's the chief cause of this terrible restlessness," said Alan Ruthven to his friend, who was visiting at the Hall. "Partly," replied Charrington gloomily, "but not altogether, I fear. This restlessness is symptomatic. We must have Bruce Fraser out again. But if we only could get track of Boyle it would greatly help.

She is very faithful: she will not forget him, and her heart is still closed to me." Elizabeth did not seem to notice his silence; she talked on about Mr. Charrington, and the new schools; and then Cedric came flying down the path to meet them, and the next moment Malcolm saw Dinah smiling in the porch.

His eyes were a little sunken, though very bright and keen, and his manner was extremely courteous. He spoke very civilly to Malcolm. "Mr. Charrington is hardly my idea of a country vicar," he observed as they drove away. "Perhaps not," returned Elizabeth quickly, "but he is a very conscientious clergyman, and his people's welfare is very near his heart.

Rhoda craned forward and read first one and then another: "...Winifred Barton, joined Hurst Manor, September, 189 , left Christmas, 189 . The youngest pupil who ever obtained honours in Mathematics in the Oxford Local Examinations." "Elizabeth Charrington, an old pupil of the school, obtained First Class in the Honours School of Modern History at Oxford."

Walden, we must go! Lady Elizabeth Messing is coming to lunch with us at Badsworth. You have no doubt heard of her eldest daughter of the Earl of Charrington! yes, we must really be going! I think I may say, may I not, your Grace?" here he bent towards the ducal Lumpton "that we are all highly pleased with the way in which Mr. Waldon has effected the restoration of the church?"

She would deeply wound the man who loved her better than his own life; but the moment of choice found her helpless in the grip of her ambition. And so her choice was made. Mrs. Duff Charrington at close range was not nearly so formidable as when seen at a distance.

I mean to give her a bit of my mind one of these days." "She is almost as trying as Theo," returned Dinah with a smile. "I think David gives in to her too much for the sake of peace." "So I often tell him." "I wish Mr. Charrington would invite Mr. Carlyon to the vicarage. Mrs. Finch is such a comfortable soul; she thinks nothing a trouble.

Charrington, it was not you I was afraid of, it was what Dr. Bulling " Again Iola hesitated. "Don't bother telling me," said Mrs. Duff Charrington, observing her confusion. "No doubt Bulling gave you to understand that he worked me to invite you. Confess now." There was a shrewd twinkle in her keen grey eye. "Bulling is a liar, a terrible liar, with large possibilities of self-appreciation.

Charrington to dinner, Betty," remonstrated her sister. Then Cedric looked disgusted, and muttered something under his breath about old Dr. Dryasdust spoiling the fun, but Elizabeth put him down with a strong hand. "People's notions of fun differ," she said severely. "I am quite sure that the vicar and Mr. Herrick will have many interests in common. As for Mr.

Madalena de Santiago, and the two men you knew first as the 'watchers, then as Torrance and Morello, now as Charrington and Char, have been no more than the pawns I used, or rather they've been my cat's paws. There's only one other man at the head of the show besides me, and that is one whose name I can't give away even to you.