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In another instant the mad thing would leap; but just as the quiver swept over the crouching body, Héloïse gathered all her strength into one action of desperate terror. "Jean, stop!" The thing crouched before her paused, chattering softly to itself; then it articulated dryly, and with all the trouble of a learning child, the one word, "Chantez!"

"Meanwhile Gottlieb has opened the piano-forte, and placed the well-known music-book on the stand; and from the card-table cries the respectable mamma, " 'Chantez donc, mes enfans! "That is the cue of my part. I place myself at the piano-forte, and the Rodeleins are led up to the instrument in triumph. "And now another difficulty arises. Neither wishes to sing first.

He sings, as he goes onward on his hard-trotting courser, the words of that song which we have heard him sing before: "Hez! sire asne! car chantez Belle bouche rechignez;" and is not mortified when a donkey in the neighboring meadow brays responsively.

I kissed her soft cheek unrebuked, and followed my father through the dark with a happy heart Mechanically, rather than from either devotion or defiance, I began to hum "Chantez de Dieu," when my father's warning hand plucked my sleeve, and, at the same instant, a rough voice beside me said, "Hold your peace! Have you not heard of the arrêt?" and passed on.

"Chantez!" reiterated Gigue, furrowing his brows into a commanding frown "Do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, si, do!" Cicely's dark eyes flashed and her lips parted. "Do re mi sol " Round and full and clear rang the notes, pure as a crystal bell, and the listeners held their breath, as she made such music of the common scale as only a divinely-gifted singer can.

Alouette, alouette, alouette, alouette. Oh, alouette, chantez alouette, Alouette, je te plumerai. Alouette, chantez alouette, Alouette, je te plumerai. Je te plumerai le bec, Je te plumerai le bec A le bec, A le bec, Alouette, Alouette.

This trembling, miserable heap, flung into the arms of the dark-eyed girl, was Mrs. Forrester. "Go on," said the girl, calmly. She had drawn the woman down beside her on the rattan couch, and clasping her like a child, nodded toward the piano. "Go on, as if the doctor hadn't hadn't stopped." Heywood was first to obey. "Come, Chantel, chantez! Here's your song."

"Et maintenant," said Gigue, taking hold of Cicely's arm and drawing her close up to his knee "Comment chante le rossignol? Do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, si, do! Chantez!"

Monsieur Bourdinave was at this time traveling on business. The sisters spent that evening at our house as was not unusual. On these occasions we often sang hymns; and I had just set the tune of "Chantez de Dieu le renom" "Chantez de Dieu le renom, Vous serviteurs du Seigneur! Venez pour lui faire honneur, Vous qui avez eu ce don"

The master walked about it seriously; then he smiled. "It is already not so bad," said he, in that funny English of which he was so proud; "no, already not so bad." "! quoi?" cried he, relapsing into French. "Qu'est-ce que vous me chantez l