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"Perhaps; but you are of the Gorgios, and I am a Rommany Chal. Tawno Chikno take care of Jasper Petulengro!" "Is that your name?" "Don't you like it?" "Very much, I never heard a sweeter; it is something like what you call me." "The horse-shoe master and the snake-fellow, I am the first." "Who gave you that name?" "Ask Pharaoh." "I would, if he were here, but I do not see him." "I am Pharaoh."

Where-upon the baby reached out its hand to him and said haltingly, as though its lips had not yet grown really familiar with the words: "Take Uvin Chal!" The squaw tried to jerk away, and Bud gave her a jerk to let her know who was boss. "Say, where'd you git that kid?" he demanded aggressively.

The runner was somewhat the stronger of the two all those engroes are strong fellows and a great deal cooler, for all of that sort are wondrous cool people he had, however, to do with one who knew full well how to take his own part. The chal fought the engro, brother, in the old Roman fashion.

Another example is Shawl, a word which has lost all trace of its Oriental origin. It is a pure Hindustani word, pronounced "Shal," and indicating an article thus described in the seventeenth century by Thevenot, as quoted in Hobson-Jobson: "Une Chal, qui est une maniere de toilette d'une laine très fine qui se fait a Cachmir."

Petulengro asked me various questions, and amongst others, how I intended to dispose of myself; I told him that I did not know; whereupon, with considerable frankness, he invited me to his camp, and told me that if I chose to settle down amongst them, and become a Rommany chal, I should have his wife's sister Ursula, who was still unmarried, and occasionally talked of me.

At last the engro seized the chal by the Belcher’s handkerchief, which he wore in a knot round his neck, and do whatever the chal could, he could not free himself; and when the engro saw that, it gave him fresh heart, no doubt: “It’s of no use,” said he; “you had better give in; hold out your hands for the darbies, or I will throttle you.”

But you must have heard of it; every one has heard of it; every one has heard of the fight between the Bow Street engro and the Rommany chal. 'I never heard of it till now. 'All England rung of it, brother. There never was a better match than between those two.

Shortly after this discourse we reached a milestone, and a few yards from the milestone, on the left hand, was a cross-road. Thereupon Mr. Petulengro said: "Brother, my path lies to the left; if you choose to go with me to my camp, good, if not, Chal Devlehi". But I again refused Mr.

But hark! the children have heard of his arrival; a shrill cry of "Come in, jaleibiwala" forces him to drop the first coin into his empty pocket; and with silent steps he disappears down the dark passage of the neighbouring chal.

However, we get on very well together, except Mikailia and her husband; but Mikailia is a cripple, and is married to the beauty of the world, so she may be expected to be jealous though he would not part with her for a duchess, no more than I would part with my rawnie, nor any other chal with his." "Ay, but would not the chi part with the chal for a duke, Jasper?"