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"Yes, Monsieur," answered the homunculus; "the book is complete, and it is not dear one franc twenty-five centimes, Monsieur." I called my housekeeper for there is no bell in my room and said to her: "Therese, Monsieur Coccoz whom I am going to ask you to show out has a book here which might interest you: the 'Key of Dreams. I shall be very glad to buy it for you."

The booksellers on the Quai des Augustins, who had previously taken a quantity of copies, now discovered that after this sudden reduction of the price they were like to lose heavily on their purchases; the four duodecimo volumes, for which they had paid four francs fifty centimes, were being given away for fifty sous.

There were landed from the ship many boxes of rifles and ammunition for the King's governor, who resides here. During the few hours we remained there, we were interested in and enjoyed the gathering of ten or fifteen native boys around the ship diving for centimes or francs thrown by the passengers, their dexterity as divers, securing every penny, was as clever as grotesque.

The crier or tambourineur, as he is generally called, because he carries a drum, which he beats most lustily to awaken the curiosity of the inhabitants, is making the round of the town with an ox, which is introduced to the public as 'le boeuf ici présent. The crier's business is to announce to all whom it may concern that the animal is to be killed this very evening, and that its flesh will be sold to-morrow at 1 franc 25 centimes the kilo.

The little Polish governess who clutched so eagerly at her paltry winnings, caressing those centimes with the same fondness and fever that a greater gambler grasps his thousands of francs, she, had left too; and, indeed, most of Bernardine's acquaintances had gone their several ways, after six months' constant intercourse, and companionship, saying good-bye with the same indifference as though they were saying good-morning or good-afternoon.

It was months that I went not beyond fifty centimes a day for food, save the Sundays, and then but little more, since one grows at last to care little, and a good meal for one day makes the next that is wanting harder, I think, than when one wants always. But I am glad that I know; so glad that I could even wish the same knowledge for many who say, 'Why do they not live on what they earn?

"And how many centimes!" sneered Crevel, with the insolence of a financier who scorns so small a sum. "You do not love her, that is very evident," said the Baron dolefully. "I have had enough of her," replied Crevel, "for she has had more than three hundred thousand francs of mine!" "Where is it? Where does it all go?" said the Baron, clasping his head in his hands.

You are to consider it was not an easy subject to introduce; it was not easy to persuade people you were in earnest, when you offered to sell them for four centimes the spring of health and riches inexhaustible.

"How I wish," you would have said as you paid the extra centimes on their letters, "how I wish I had taken my holiday in June." On the other hand, in June Well, you see how difficult it is for you. Of course, I don't really mind what you do. For myself I have almost decided to have a week in each month. The advantage of this is that I shall go away four times instead of once.

Trente centimes, chaque verre! Thirty, my old one. Six sous, comprenez?" "No comprennye," said the Australian. "Vingt centimes, or go to hell." The woman demanded the thirty centimes; kept on demanding with a voice more shrill. "It was her voice that vexed me," said the Australian. "That and the bloody injustice."