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Ours ain't workin' fur a cent either, an' I drove round thinkin' I'd fetch Willie home with me to have a look at it. He's got a knack with such things an' I calculate he'd know what's the matter with it. Darned if I do." The man began to move away across the grass. Celestina, however, who was in the mood for gossip, had no mind to let him escape so easily.

Miss Neale and Celestina arrived smothered up in waterproofs and goloshes, and there was quite a bustle to get them unpacked from their wrappings and warmed at the schoolroom fire. Biddy made herself very important, and forgot for the time about being vexed with Rosalys.

"I didn't notice, not havin' on my readin' glasses. So it's Bob's, is it?" "Yes," answered Celestina, eyeing the neat parcel curiously. "Whoever's sendin' you a bundle all tied up with white paper an' pink string, Bob? It looks like it was jewelry." Quickly Willie sprang to the rescue. "Oh, Bob's been gettin' some repairin' done for the Brewsters," explained he.

But there must be other things you could do if you want to help her. 'No, said Biddy, shaking her head, 'there's nothing. And I don't think I want very much; it's just sometimes. Alie helps mamma because she's the eldest. Celestina scarcely knew how to answer this, though she felt there was something wrong about her little companion's way of looking at things.

For two hours he and Celestina had rehearsed the family history from beginning to end; and now he had left her to get dinner, and he and Willie had betaken themselves to the workshop where they were deep in confidential conversation. "You see," the inventor was explaining to his guest, "it's like this: it ain't so much that I want to bother with these notions as that I have to.

Fairchild, who came in quietly. She had heard voices in the shop, and thought she was probably needed there, though at this time of the morning, especially when Celestina was out, she had to be sometimes in the kitchen. 'Celestina, she exclaimed, surprised and not quite sure if she should be pleased, 'what are you doing? You should have come in at once. I have been expecting you.

I must be home by half-past four, and it takes twenty minutes from here. I can go past the Rectory and see Miss she hesitated over the name, 'Miss Biddy in at the gate, if you please, said Celestina, in her womanly little way. Mrs. Vane thanked her; then she and Rosalys walked on, and the two small damsels were left alone. 'Why must you be in by half-past four? asked Biddy.

"Aren't you two afraid to go out in such a snowstorm?" he said, turning to Paula and me. Celestina answered for us that we lived in the big house at "The Convent," and that we had come to deliver a good warm dress for her to wear. With that the good woman poured out three cups of coffee, which she set before the Breton, Paula and myself.

A helpless protest trembled on Willie's lips. "I I don't think I need any bitters, Celestina," he at last observed mildly. "You don't know whether you do or not," Celestina replied with as near an approach to sharpness as she was capable of. "However, there's no call to discuss that now. The chief thing this minute is for you to sit up to the table an' eat your victuals." Docilely the man obeyed.

Fairchild the very next Saturday, and the sisters were to pay Celestina a long visit the following week, to see the dear little house and all her treasures. 'You shall have tea in the sweet little French tea-cups Madame d'Ermont gave me, said she joyfully. 'They are a little bigger than my doll ones long ago.