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About thirty miles to east fine bold ranges are visible, also broken ranges from North-East and round to South-East; they are no doubt the Cavanagh Ranges of Mr. Gosse. About five miles ahead we saw some granite rocks, to which we proceeded, and found a tremendous rock hole full of water; it was in between two large rocks and completely shaded from the sun.

The house of Gerald Cavanagh, though not so large as that of our kind-hearted friend, Jemmy Burke, was a good specimen of what an Irish farmer's residence ought to be. It was distant from Burke's somewhat better than two miles, and stood almost, immediately inside the highway, upon a sloping green that was vernal through the year.

"The evident deduction," I said, "is that Dexter stole the slipper from the Museum God knows with what purpose and that Hassan of Aleppo recovered it from him." "You think we shall next hear of Earl Dexter from the river police?" suggested Bristol. "Personally," replied the Commissioner, "I agree with Mr. Cavanagh.

Gregg was sullen because of his interview with Cavanagh, which had been in the nature of a grapple; and in the light of what Redfield had said, Lee Virginia was able to perceive in these two men a struggle for supremacy. Gregg was the greedy West checked and restrained by the law.

There was nothing for Gregg to say and nothing for Edwards to do but obey, for a resolute ranger with an excellent weapon of the latest and most approved angular pattern stood ready to enforce his command; and when the pack was recinched, Cavanagh waved an imperative hand. "I guess I'll have to take charge of your guns," he said, and they yielded without a word of protest. "Now march!

"I'm sorry, but it's time to be moving," he said; "it's a long ride over there." "What time is it?" inquired Cavanagh, with some bewilderment. "Nearly noon. I've got some coffee ready. Want some?" "Do I? Just watch me!" And he scrambled out of his bed with vigor, and stretched himself like a cat, exclaiming: "Wow! but it does feel good to know that I am out of jail!"

"That's P 27. Telephone orderly, there?" A figure appears in the doorway. "Yes, sirr." "Ring up Major Cavanagh, and say that H 21 is being shelled from P 27. Retaliate!" "Verra good, sirr." The telephone orderly disappears, to return in five minutes. "Major Cavanagh's compliments, sirr, and he is coming up himself for tae observe from the firing trench." "Good egg!" observes Captain Blaikie.

I'll do the talking," commanded Cavanagh, who was instant in his determination to shield the man. "Good-morning, gentlemen," he called, cheerily, "you're abroad early!" The man in front was the deputy sheriff of the county; his companion was a stranger. "That was a horrible mess you stumbled on over on Deer Creek," the deputy remarked. "It certainly was. Have any arrests been made?"

"'Bryan, said I, 'I scorn a moral circumbendibus where the direct truth is necessary; I have heard it said, and I fear it is burthened wid too much uncomfortable veracity, that Kathleen Cavanagh has donned the black cap* in doing the judicial upon you, and that she considers her sentence equal to the laws of the Medes and Persians, unchangeable or, like those of our own blessed church wid reverence be the analogy made altogether infallible. His eye blazed as I spoke; he caught me where by the collar wid a grip that made me quake 'Another word against Kathleen Cavanagh, he replied, 'and I will shake every joint of your carcass out of its place. His little sister, Dora, was wid him at the time; 'Give him a shake or two as it is, she added, egging him on, 'for what he has said already; throth she's a lively little lady that, an' if it wasn't that she has a pair of dark shining eyes, and sweet features ay, and as coaxin' a figure of her own however, sorra may care, somehow, I defy any one to, be angry wid her."

Lee hurried out into the dining-room, which was crowded with men and voicing deep excitement. Anger was in the air a stormy rage, perceptible as a hot blast; and as she passed one table after another she heard ugly phrases applied to Cavanagh. A half-dozen men were standing before the counter talking with Lize, but Lee pushed in to inquire with white, inquiring face: "What is it all about?