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Nets are truly instruments of death, but the net of the gospel doth catch to draw from death; wherefore this net is contrary; life and immortality is brought to light through this. No marvel, then, if men are so glad, and that for gladness they leap like fishes in a net, when they see themselves catched in this drag of the holy gospel of the Son of God.

"I I felt something ketch hold of me and pulling me down." "Something! Do you call me something?" growled the carpenter. "Of course I catched hold of you. You'd catch hold if you tumbled as I did. Bad job about the light, master." "Yes, a very bad job," said my uncle's voice out of the darkness. "How was it?" "Stepped down into some hole, sir.

First Mister Champernowne catched sight of the canister and stood still, as if the sight had froze him; then the bird shouted, and I had to wait for him to shut up afore I had my say. "Hoo-hoo-hoo! Hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!" went the owl. Then, the moment he stopped, I spoke, very loud and slow. "Don't you do it, or else you'll rue it!" I said.

They're always so about a dead spermacety. Wi' one o' them ere tools as be stickin' in the side o' the old bull, if I don't pull a few o' them out o' water, I never handled a harpoon, that's all. Ye may stop your cookin' Snowy, an' go help me. When we've got a few sharks catched an' cut up, then you can go at it again on a more 'stensive scale. Come along, my hearty!"

"He was now beginning to make greater freedom; but Mary rises from her seat, and whisks away with herself, her cheek as red as a rose with vexation at the fellow's imperance. 'Very well, says Dick, 'off you go; but there's as good fish in the say as ever was catched.

There was a rapping on the deck. "Uncle Salters has catched his luck," said Dan as his father departed. "It's blown clear," Disko cried, and all the foc'sle tumbled up for a bit of fresh air. The fog had gone, but a sullen sea ran in great rollers behind it.

'It is my cue, said he, 'to be sick and weak, whenever the turnkey comes in, to put him off his guard for they have all orders to watch me strictly; because as how, do you see, I broke out of the jail of Trim; and when they catched me, they took me before his honour the police magistrate, who did all he could to get out of me the way which I made my escape. 'Well, says the magistrate, 'I'll put you in a place where you can't get out till you're sent to 'Botany. 'Plase your worship, says I, 'if there's no offence in saying it, there's no such place in Ireland. 'No such place as what? 'No such place as will hold Michael Dunne. 'What do you think of Kilmainbam? says he.

Got any gin in your place? the nigh hoss on Jimmy's team is took bad with the colic." "Come inside," said Holcomb. "Bad luck," muttered Bergstein, as he followed Holcomb into the cabin; "there ain't a better work hoss on the place. Must have catched cold drawin' them heavy loads on the mountain."

Be off, you set of thaves, or I will be after breaking some of your nasty dirty mugs for you. Arrah! don't mind them; sure they are nothing at all but a set of monkeys just catched. Come here, honey, and let me see who will be after laying a finger on you."

Thou'll hae to tak a Sunday schooil class at Gerston, Jerry, an' tell t' lads all about Solomon's pools, where we catched them Turks, an' t' tomb o' t' Prophet Samuel anent Hebron." "Nay, I reckon t' lang settle at t' Anglers' Arms will be more i' my line. But we're noan through wi' t' job yet awhile."