United States or Heard Island and McDonald Islands ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

She liked to feel that this strong, skilful, keen-eyed man was in her power, and would have been indignant if he had shown the least sign of slipping from under the yoke of her coquettish tyranny and attaching himself to the gentle Mary Burge, who would have been grateful enough for the most trifling notice from him. "Mary Burge, indeed!

Burge has offered me a share in his business, and I'm going to take it." There was a change in Hetty's face, certainly not produced by any agreeable impression from this news.

To seize a Bradley Arnold's Latin Prose Exercises and hurl it across the room was with Master Burge the work of a moment. It struck Thomas on the ear. He jumped, and turned some shades pinker. Then he put down his magazine, picked up the Bradley Arnold, and sat on it. After which he resumed his magazine.

I can find you hundreds of the most sordid rascals, or the most densely stupid reactionaries, with all these qualifications. BURGE. Personal abuse proves nothing. Do you suppose the Tories are all angels because they are all members of the Church of England?

"I've got one," he shouted. "Come up and hold him while I look round." The butcher was beside him in a moment; Brother Burge struggling wildly, called loudly upon the name of Brother Higgs. "That's all right, constable," said the latter, "that's a friend of mine." "Friend o' yours, sir?" said the disappointed officer, still holding him. The jeweller nodded. "Mr.

She got another letter two days arterward, saying that he 'ad shipped as ordinary seaman on an American barque called the Seabird, bound for California, and that 'e expected to be away a year, or thereabouts. "It'll do 'im good," ses old Burge, when Mrs. Dixon read the letter to 'em. "It's a 'ard life is the sea, and he'll appreciate his 'ome when 'e comes back to it agin.

An election is a moral horror, as bad as a battle except for the blood: a mud bath for every soul concerned in it. You know very well that it will not be fought on principle. BURGE. On the contrary it will be fought on nothing else. I believe a program is a mistake. I agree with you that principle is what we want. FRANKLYN. Principle without program, eh? BURGE. Exactly. There it is in three words.

So, when the workmen were gone, he sat down, took out his pocket-book, and busied himself with sketching a plan, and making a specification of the expenses that he might show it to Burge the next morning, and set him on persuading the squire to consent.

"You're very good to say so, sir, and I'm not unthankful. But" Adam continued, in a decided tone "I shouldn't like to make any offers to Mr. Burge, or t' have any made for me. I see no clear road to a partnership. If he should ever want to dispose of the business, that 'ud be a different matter. I should be glad of some money at a fair interest then, for I feel sure I could pay it off in time."

Bob was in the bar and the others were just sitting down to tea, and a big chest, nicely corded, stood on the floor in the corner of the room. "That's right," he ses, looking at it; "that's just wot I wanted." "It's as full as it can be," ses old Burge. "I done it for you myself. 'Ave you got a ship?" "I 'ave," ses Dixon. "A jolly good ship. No more hardships for me this time.