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Douglas good-by; then, walking back to the parlor, she continued speaking to herself: "'Stars and Stripes'! I'll teach him to cut up my blue bodice for fun. I wouldn't give him Margaret if his life depended upon it;" and sitting down she wrote to Arthur Carrollton, asking if he really intended visiting America, and when.

Little Muche, however, who had now effectually rumpled the back of the pretty frock, said with his sly smile: "Let's play at throwing sand at each other, eh?" Pauline had no will of her own left; and they began to throw the sand at each other, keeping their eyes closed meanwhile. The sand made its way in at the neck of the girl's low bodice, and trickled down into her stockings and boots.

She wore a man's tweed coat and a striped blanket wrapped about her, and she was smoking a cigarette. "So you have come back to work here. Your signorino at the Villa Medici is away?" "Only for a few days. He will not be gone long. The picture is not finished. How is Pasquina?" Rosina had come over to her and was fastening the hooks of her bodice. "She is very well. How pretty you are."

Madame Tellier was dressed in blue silk from head to foot, and had on a dazzling red imitation French cashmere shawl. Fernande was puffing in a Scotch plaid dress, of which her companions had laced the bodice as tight as they could, forcing up her full bust, that was continually heaving up and down.

Valentina Mihailovna took her fingers from her bodice. "Yes, Mariana Vikentievna! I am speaking of that cultured, excellent young man, Mr. Kollomietzev, who would make a wife happy and whom only a mad-woman could refuse! Yes, only a mad-woman!" "What can I do, ma tante? It seems that I am mad!" "Have you anything serious against him?" "Nothing whatever. I simply despise him."

Erling had risen and was about to emerge from his hiding-place, when suddenly hoof-beats were heard, and a horse was seen approaching, carrying on its back a stalwart peasant lass, in whose lap a pretty little girl of twelve or thirteen was sitting. The former was clad in scarlet bodice, a black embroidered skirt, and a snowy-white kerchief was tied about her head.

With tears streaming down her withered cheeks while she muttered and cursed, the aged woman fastened Sara's torn bodice, binding the deadly herb within easy hand's reach. A Tyrian merchant-ship manned by three galleys of oarsmen, turned its high and proudly arched red and gold neck into the harbor of Tiberias.

You were standing high on a swaying mountain of hay, you were driving a great farm-horse, which disappeared under its load. Your tall figure stood out against the sky ablaze with the last rays of the sun; and I still see your look of absolute unconcern. You wore a long blue apron that came all round you and a bodice of the same colour.

Next moment the stairs creaked and Mrs. Perks came down, buttoning her bodice. Her hair was brushed very smooth and tight, and her face shone with soap and water. "I'm a bit late changing, Miss," she said to Bobbie, "owing to me having had a extry clean-up to-day, along o' Perks happening to name its being his birthday. I don't know what put it into his head to think of such a thing.

And suddenly she knew there was nothing to follow except death his or hers realized she made an awful mistake divined in one dreadful instant the unsuspected counter-mine beneath her very feet cried out as she struck him full in the face with clenched fist, sprang back, whipping the revolver from her ragged bodice, dark eyes ablaze. "Now," she panted, "hands high and turn your back! Quickly!"