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"The man looked upon me for a moment, fixedly, then, bending his head towards his breast, he appeared to be undergoing a kind of convulsion, which was accompanied by a sound something resembling laughter; presently he looked at me, and there was a broad grin on his features. "'By my shoul, it's a thing of peace I'm thinking ye.

He laid a hand on Galen's shoulder, bending over him. "I am an old man," Galen answered. "In any event I have not long to live. I will do my best for you." Pertinax nodded, but there was still a question in his mind. He bade farewell to Marcia, turning his back toward Galen. Marcia whispered: "Be a man now, Pertinax! If we should lose this main, we two can drink the stuff that Galen brings."

"But we will all love you now," cried Atven. "I will grow tall and strong to work for you, and you shall never be unhappy any more!" The Stone-maiden smiled, as she stood on the threshold of her new life. She looked up trustingly at her two friends, and the old Priest of Asgard, bending down, laid his hand upon her head with a gentle blessing.

Napoleon passed, or rather leaped, over this light bridge, and was received on board in 'the arms of a soldier of the guard; but M. Decres, more stout, and less active than the Emperor, advanced carefully over the plank that he found to his horror was bending under his feet, until just as he arrived in the middle, the weight of his body broke the plank, and the minister of the navy was precipitated into the water, midway between the quay and the boat.

"No o," I said, "but I have a funny sort of feeling as if some one were looking for me!" "By Jove!" exclaimed Tony, and repressed himself at a glare from his mother. "I wonder if it's possible " He stopped, and began carefully to smooth his silk hat which was poised on his knee. "If what's possible?" I wanted to know, bending my head near to his, regardless of somebody's plume which grazed my eye.

It worked a rapid transformation in the servant's manner, which did not escape her. "Come in," he invited her. She did not stop at the outstretched arm of the cloakman, but glided quickly up the stairs toward a vision of handsome women and strains of music. Harry Cresswell was sitting opposite and bending over an impudent blue-and-blonde beauty.

Then I awoke suddenly and found it was full day, and that Marjorie was bending over me. For the moment I did not recollect where I was, and stared in surprise at the great wooden paling by which we were surrounded. Then recollection of the whole situation came back to me in a flash, and I leapt to my feet.

"Oh, don't make fun of the profession of your poor cousin, Captain," and the look of disquiet upon Leadbury's face was quickly relieved and he joined heartily and almost boisterously in the merriment. A moment later, Clarissa was alarmed to find him bending upon herself a look in which suspicion, distrust, fear, and hatred all were blended.

The natural timidity of man is, I find, attractive. I helped him to the boat, and he climbed in. I trod water, clinging with one hand to the stern. "Allow me," he said, bending down. "No, thank you," I replied. "Not, really?" "Thank you very much, but I think I will stay where I am." "But you may get cramp.

He was small in stature, scarcely five and a half feet high at best, with his natural height diminished, as is often the case with sailors, by a slight bending of the back and stooping of the shoulders; yet he possessed a well-knit, vigorous, and not ungraceful figure, whose careless poise, and the ease with which he maintained his position, with his hands clasped behind his back, in spite of the rather heavy roll and pitch of the ship, in the very strong breeze, indicated long familiarity with the sea.