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It made the round trip from Bemis every day, fifty-two miles over all, and considering the roadbed and the engine, that was a good day's work. "Well, that train was worth four hundred and thirty dollars all right enough, if they could have got their hands on it, but the engineer was such a peppery chap that nobody ever wanted to bother him.

I wish to be near him a little while to-night. When you get this, can't you go to your great organ and play him back into consciousness and tell him Bob says good-by?" At dawn Barclay called Bemis out of bed, and before sunrise he and Barclay were walking on the terrace in front of the Barclay home. "Lige," began Barclay, "did you tell Adrian of that note last night?" Bemis grinned his assent.

Bubbs followed with the third bunt, while Crowfoot and Barking moved up. Nevertheless, Scrogg managed to secure the ball and throw Towser out. Netterby attempted to bunt, but popped up a little fly to Hodge and followed Bubbs to the bench. "I rather guess it's all over," said Higgins. "The bunting game didn't work." Bemis looked doubtful, but Sparkfair still held to his instructions.

Fanny began to speak, but checked herself. She had heard rumors regarding Jim Tenny of late and had flown fiercely with denial at the woman who told her, and had not repeated them to her sister. She was thinking how she had heard that Jim had been seen driving in Wenham with Aggie Morse several times lately. Aggie Morse had been Aggie Bemis, Jim's old sweetheart.

When we were alone M M told me that the ambassador would be obliged to me if in the future I would come to the casino two hours later. I understood that the good-natured and witty profligate had a very natural prejudice against indulging his amorous feelings except when he was certain of being alone. M. de Bemis came to all our suppers till he left for Vienna, and always went away at midnight.

"Hello hello hello," he cried nervously, "hello who is this?" The answer came and he said, "Oh, I didn't recognize your voice." Then he asked in a low tone, as one who had fear in his heart: "Do you recognize me? If you do, don't speak my name. Where is Adrian?" Then Mr. Dolan, listening in the next room, heard this: "You say Judge Bemis phoned to him? Oh, he was to meet him at eight o'clock.

When he had heard all he said: "You ought not to be here another day; you ought to go out." The good chaplain also interested himself in my case, and after hearing the story, he and the Warden took a lawyer named Bemis, into their counsel, laid the whole matter before him and asked his opinion. Mr. Bemis, after hearing all the circumstances, expressed the belief that I might get a pardon.

Bemis grinned a wicked, mean little grin and said: "That settles it. I believe I am safe in buying the waterworks." "What are you going to do to Bob?" Barclay asked. "Nothing, nothing absolutely nothing, if he has any sense and drops this municipal ownership tommyrot. Absolutely nothing." Again the grin came over his face, and at the end of a pause Barclay said: "Well, if not, what then?"

"I don't know, I haven't yet made his acquaintance. Where did he come from?" "Lucille sent him to me. Johnson just brought him over. Hurry, Bemis, and let him out. The poor darling!" "Is that what is called puppy love?" inquired Harry. "Hush," commanded Pauline. "And Bemis, run and tell Martha to cook something for him a beefsteak and potatoes." "And oysters on the half shell," suggested Harry.

He did not recognize her voice, the first time she called. But shrewd as Judge Bemis was, and bad as he was, he did not know it all.