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This one belonga me, or that one belonga your Boss?" Tom glanced at the boats with the eye of an expert, paused in the exercise of his judgment, and said with emphasis "Me take 'em my boat!" "Boiling Down," a boy with a not very reputable past, had once stood his trial for a serious offence. On returning to his free hills, he was wont to describe with rare art the trial scene.

When Providence sends a "white fella," they appreciate flour, tea, sugar, potatoes, meat, and all sorts of game, from cockatoos to flying-foxes. Once Mickie was asked how he managed to win the favour of such a fine gin. "Unkl belonga her giv'em me," he replied. There was no marriage ceremony.

With an air of mystery, Tom continued: "When that boy have row, he get bone belonga dead man, scrape that bone alonga old bottle. When get little heap all asame sugar, put into tea. Jimmy drink tea. B'mby get sick die long time. Bad poison that." Nelly's grief, which had been shrilly expressed at intervals, became subdued as she listened to Tom's theories.

Nelly was extravagantly fond of pictures; anything, from an illustrated advertisement up, pleased her, and when the subject was not very obvious to her she would indifferently gaze lovingly upon it upside down. A pair of fine photographs of King Edward and Queen Alexandra in all the sumptuousness of their coronation robes was shown her, and she was told that "fella King belonga whiteman.

Boss shake hand, he say 'Hassan, very good boy. I gib myself nother good rum. We talk. Just now Boss he look straight. He say quiet 'Hassan, my boy, you hab something belonga me. He look sharp like a knife. 'No, Boss, I hab nothing of you. He talk loud 'Hassan, you hab something belonga me. Gib it up quick! That other white man he stand longside gangway. I look straight. I feel cold.

As to the effect of the wound they say, "Suppose that fella nail go along your foot, you sing out all a same bullocky all night. Leg belonga you swell up and jump about? Might you die." One boy described the detested creature "That fella like stone. Head belonga him no good all hole."

All a time that boy sing out, 'Pull out spear. Bi'mby Billy come back. He very sorry. He say 'Me no wan' spear you. Me no look out you. Me wan' catch 'em wallaby. That boy say, 'All ri, Billy. You good mate belonga me. Three days that spear inside yet. Me come alonga camp. That boy look 'em all ri'. Me say 'Me very sorry. Me think you dead now. He say 'Me no dead.

Yarra was a child of the Bush; nothing would escape his eye or his ear, and at the same time he would be as swift and as secret as a snake. While the boy was away Ryder wrote a note in pencil addressed to Lucy Woodrow. Yarra was back within five minutes. 'Him Boss belonga me all right.

He was determined that the grave should be deep enough to protect the body froth burrowing animals, and secret enough to save it from human brutes eager for the price on Solo's head. This task was not complete when Yarra returned, his eyes ablaze with excitement. 'Hell bin jump up, mine tink it! he cried. 'Boss belonga me sit down there all right. You come! 'You know where Macdougal is?

Suppose you no lat'm come, more worse b'mbi. Me want mak'm that fella all asame black fella. You gib it Clare belonga Dan." My fingers twitched on the butt of the revolver. It was an ultimatum. That which from other lips would have been resented as complacent insolence had to be endured with apparent calmness.