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"Dick seems very unpopular. I wish I didn't feel so low-spirited and unwell. Why can't I carry it off easily as as a kind of joke? How hard these forms are, and how those infernal boys did jog my back!" Bedtime came at length. The boys filed, one by one, out of the room, and the Doctor stood by the door to shake hands with them as they passed. Mr.

'Come and have some tiffin. They ate in silence. As the evening fell, Private Dormer broke forth, speaking to himself, 'Hi was on the Durh'm Canal, jes' such a night, come next week twelve month, a-trailin' of my toes in the water. He smoked and said no more till bedtime.

It was the sort of paper which the father of the family is expected to take back with him from the office and read aloud to the chicks before bedtime under the shade of the rubber plant. Circumstances had left the development of the paper almost entirely to Mr. Renshaw. Its contents were varied.

I heard you ask her about it, I heard her say she hadn't got it, I was there when he left it, and I took it at bedtime and brought it away. Here it is! 'Why, my girl, cried Mr Meagles, more breathless than before, 'how did you come over? 'I came in the boat with you. I was sitting wrapped up at the other end. When you took a coach at the wharf, I took another coach and followed you here.

For the present, after tea, as they sat on the rose-framed porch, while Rowland held his younger cousin between his knees, and she, enjoying her situation, listened timorously for the stroke of bedtime, Cecilia insisted on talking more about her visitor than about herself.

Yarrow's house to visit the doctor and his wife. Brother and Sister were told to run in and visit Grandmother Hastings until eight o'clock, their bedtime. "Can we take Brownie?" begged Sister. "Grandmother says he is the nicest dog!" So Brownie, who was now three times the size he had been when Ralph brought him home in the basket, was allowed to go calling, too.

In the drawing-room they played bridge till the ladies' bedtime. The Dean coming in, played the last rubber. "I hope you'll be able to sleep in a common or garden bed, Marmaduke," said Peggy, and kissed him a perfunctory good night. "I have heard," remarked the Dean, "that it takes quite a time to grow accustomed to the little amenities of civilization."

The rest of the day was spent in picking shot out of Farley, and by evening he was relieved of the last one. "We'll put him in that empty room at the corner of the house, and take turns watching him through the night," said Ted. Until bedtime Farley sat in the living room with the rest of them, and they were unusually guarded in their conversation.

They left him and he threw himself upon the green sod, his back to a tree, his face toward the distant château. Hours afterward the faithful Selim came out to tell him that it was bedtime. He found his master still sitting there, looking across the moonlit flat in the direction of a place in the hills where once he had dwelt in marble halls.

At last the great constellation of Orion marked bedtime. Amid a tumult of snarling and fighting the dogs were fed their daily allowance of one dried fish each, fur stockings, moist with perspiration, were taken off and dried by the fire, and putting on our heaviest fur kukhlankas we crawled feet first into our bearskin bags, pulled them up over our heads, and slept.