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The English are wonderful yes, they are wonderful. Basta! and addio!" He raised his hat, turned, moved away. As if drawn irresistibly, Olga followed. Head down, arms hanging in the limpness of shame, she followed, but without drawing nearer. At the corner of the square, Florio, as if accidentally, turned his head; in an instant, he stood before her. "Then you do not wish good-bye?"

Longdon, "he would tell you a good deal more than you'll care to know. She IS in a boat but she's an experienced mariner. Basta, as she would say. Do you know Mitchy?" Mrs. Brook suddenly asked. "Oh yes, he knows Mitchy" Vanderbank had approached again. "Then make HIM tell him" she put it before the young man as a charming turn for them all. "Mitchy CAN be refined when he tries."

An entertaining writer in the sense of G wa I shall never be. I would rather be a stupid writer. But now basta! I greet you and press your hand most cordially. Old Songs and Sweet Singers. I cannot sing the old songs now: It is not that I deem them low, But that I have forgotten how They go, wrote Calverley in his delightful drollery about the advances of old age.

It was naturally to be expected therefore that those splendid legions the famous Neapolitan tercio of Trevico, the veteran troops of Sultz and Hachicourt, the picked Epirote and Spanish cavalry of Nicolas Basta and Guzman would be hurled upon the wearied, benumbed, bemired soldiers of the republic, as they came slowly along after their long march through the cold winter's rain.

Meanwhile, do not think me so extravagantly magnanimous; do not underrate the satisfaction I must feel at knowing Violante safe from the designs of Peschiera, safe, and forever, under a husband's roof. I will tell you an Italian proverb, it contains a truth full of wisdom and terror, "'Hai cinquanta Amici? non basta.

Next came the turn of Donna Emilia, a very burning poetess, for a Sapphic ode; and so on and so on. After three days Ippolita found herself yawning her head off; the longing for freedom returned, for the open country, the hills, the goatherds. Not for her home in the Vicolo: this everlasting love-making with its aftertaste of stale sugar had turned her sick of Padua. The whole city, to her mind, reeked of bergamot; she guessed a fawning lover at every street corner, a pryer at every window basta, basta, la citt

Oh, I remember now your ladyship will forgive me 'tis all down in black and white what I've done-Belles has it. You see this hand I can write with this hand this is not paralysed. "This is not the hand I tried to raise against her. But /basta, basta!/ where was I? My poor head!

I won't say any more; but do now during this Carnival, show yourself a little more at the palace, and pay a little attention, and let the world see that you occupy the place with regard to the Contessa Violante, that you really do occupy. Basta!"

He then related his meeting with Lambernier, but the consideration due Mademoiselle Gobillot's honor imposed numberless circumlocutions and concealments which ended by making his story rather unintelligible to his auditors, and in the midst of it his head became so muddled that he was completely put out. "Basta!" he exclaimed, in conclusion, as he dropped heavily into his chair.

Don't go now till he comes; you will be interested in meeting him. Here's his card, with coronet and all; he's a Baron. A very nice man. I met him quite by accident." Aha, I thought, so they don't ask you to supper. Well, thank Heaven, I only came down by way of a trial; I can go home again I've still some fish left in the hut. Enough for a meal, I daresay. Basta! The Baron came in.