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The Perkins front door opened and Abijah the Brave came out hand in hand with his Fair Emma Jane. They walked through the orchard, the eyes of the old couple following them from the window, and just as they disappeared down the green slope that led to the riverside the gray coat sleeve encircled the blue barege waist.

"Bluebell," said little Lola, bursting into the nursery, where Freddy, rather a tyrant in his affections, had insisted on her singing him to sleep, "Ma says you have got to dine down to-night, and Miss Prosody, too. Won't she be in a way, for her white muslin never came home from the wash, and she had begun altering the barège; so I asked Felda to tell her," said Lola, diplomatically.

When Aunt Izzie spoke to her, she fluttered and behaved so queerly, that Clover almost laughed; and even Katy, who could see nothing wrong in people she loved, was glad to carry her away to the playroom. "Come out to the bower," she said, putting her arm round the blue barege waist. "A bower!" cried Imogen. "How sweet!" But when they reached the asparagus boughs her face fell.

"You will send me a suitable dress, I suppose," I said, calmly, "you know I am a pauper here." "Yes, fortunately I have two almost alike. Which shall it be, a chally or barege?" "It matters little, the color is all I care for. Let it be white; I have a superstition about being married in colors."

Leslie unpinned from its cambric cover a gray iron barége, with a narrow puffing round the hem of the full skirt and the little pointed bertha cape. With it lay bright cherry ribbons for the neck and hair. "Lovely! Make haste and come down to our room." And having to dress herself, Jeannie ran off again, and Elinor shut the door.

Heman stepped into the house for his bass-viol, and brought it out with an extremity of tender care; he placed it, enveloped in its green baize covering, in the bottom of the pung. Some ludicrous association between the baize and the green barege veil struck Brad so forcibly that he gave vent to a chuckle, sliding cleverly into a cough.

She did her hair according to the directions of the hairdresser, and put on the barege dress spread out upon the bed. Charles's trousers were tight across the belly. "My trouser-straps will be rather awkward for dancing," he said. "Dancing?" repeated Emma. "Yes!" "Why, you must be mad! They would make fun of you; keep your place. Besides, it is more becoming for a doctor," she added.

The roof a thatch of palm-leaves projected far over the eaves, rising to a cone, and terminating in a small wooden cupola with a cross. There were no windows. The walls themselves were translucent; and articles of furniture could be distinguished through the interstices of the bamboos. A curtain of green barege, supported by a rod and rings, formed the door.

It was told by her faded finery, all unfit to meet the pelting of that pitiless storm; the gauze bonnet, once pink, now dirty white; the muslin gown, all draggled, and soaking wet up to the very knees; the gay-coloured barege shawl, closely wrapped round the form, which yet shivered and shook, as the woman whispered, "I want to speak to you." He swore an oath, and bade her begone. "I really do.

Oh, hum! Oh, hum!" Amanda ran and opened the door, and Mrs. Babcock entered, panting. She had a green umbrella, which she furled with difficulty at the door, and a palm-leaf fan. Her face, in the depths of her scooping green barege bonnet, was dank with perspiration, and scowling with indignant misery. She sank into a chair, and fanned herself with a desperate air.