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Selim was literally almost frightened to death, as he kneeled on the sharp stones at our feet. He could hardly speak, and I dragged him up and made him sit upon the trunk of a fallen tree. I was indeed glad that he was still alive, for though Balsamides had not yet told me the events of the night, I could see that he was in no humor to be trifled with.

While I was telling our story Balsamides never spoke a word, but sat smoking in his corner, probably thinking of the single kick in which he had tried to concentrate all his vengeance. As we drove along, the dawn began to appear, the cold dawn of a March morning. I asked Balsamides whether it would be necessary to change my clothes before entering the city.

When once we were in the carriage and on our way to Pera, however, he recovered his senses. "Will you kindly tell me how all this has happened? Are you a Turkish officer?" "No," I answered. "This is a disguise. Let me present you to the man who has really liberated you, Balsamides Bey."

In a few moments the barber arrived, and while he was performing his operations I myself resumed my ordinary dress. Balsamides found Paul in bed and fast asleep, but, pushing the servant aside, he walked in and opened the windows. "Wake up, Patoff!" he shouted, making a great noise with the fastenings. "Holloa!

In Stamboul it is customary, when a bargain of any importance is completed, for the seller to make the buyer a present of some small object, which is called the backsheesh, or gift. On hearing the offer, Marchetto looked slyly at Gregorios and laughed, without saying anything. Then he slowly began to fold the tapestry together. "Ten pounds," said Balsamides.

But you must swear that you will then protect me." "Filthy liquor in a dirty bottle!" exclaimed Balsamides angrily. "Will you make conditions with me, you soul of a dog in a snake's body?" "Very well," returned the Lala cunningly. "But if you should kill me by mistake before I have taken you to him, you will never find him." "I have told you that you shall not be hurt, if you will give him up.

"I will not discuss the inexhaustible subject of the truth of proverbs," answered Balsamides. "I only doubt whether Madame Patoff will be happy now that she is sane, and whether the uncertainty of the issue of our search may not drive her mad again. She will probably spoil everything by chattering at all the embassies.

It appeared that he had called at the Carvels', and, being told that the party were in Stamboul, had gone straight to the Jew's shop, in the hope of finding them there. He was introduced to the professor by Paul, with a word of explanation. Marchetto's face fell as he saw the adjutant, who had a terribly acute knowledge of the value of things. Balsamides was asked to give his opinion.

"Yes. I was surprised to see her dressed in the clothes she wore out-of-doors, and as thickly veiled as ever. There were lights in the room. She held out her small hand, you remember noticing that she had small white hands?" "Like a young woman's," replied Balsamides. "Yes. I took her hand, and spoke in French. I dare say I looked very sentimental and passionate as I gazed into her black eyes.

Therefore, Selim, say a Fatihah, for your hour is come." With that, Balsamides drew a short revolver from his pocket and cocked it before the man's eyes. The negro's limbs relaxed, and with a howl he fell upon his knees. "Mercy! In the name of Allah!" he cried. "I have told all the truth, I swear by the grave of my father" "Don't move," said Gregorios, with horrible calmness.