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This state of things is childish simply childish; or perhaps I ought to say babyish. Why, even the children on the sea-shore know, when they make their little sand walls against the tide, how soon they must be swept away. But the difference is this, that they don't live inside them, and they haven't got all that belongs to them inside them.

Lautenschlager, a plump little American lady, with straight yellow hair which hung down on her shoulders, was relating to her neighbour on the other side, in a tone that could be clearly heard in both rooms, how she had "discovered" her voice. "I come to Schwarz, last fall," she said shaking back her hair, and making effective use of her babyish mouth; "and he thinks no end of me.

Nor was the dazzled girl conscious of others at the table, of Florence Akemit, the babyish blond, listening with feverish attention to the German savant, Doctor von Herzlich, who had translated Goethe's "Iphigenie in Tauris" into Greek merely as recreation, and who was now justifying his choice of certain words and phrases by citing passages from various Greek authors; a choice which the sympathetic listener, after discreet intervals for reflection, invariably commended.

Why then draw back from this interesting lobbyist with such babyish repulsion? When, after a long, and, as she declared, a most charming call, Mrs. Baker wended her way elsewhere and Madeleine had given the strictest order that she should never be admitted again, Carrington entered, and Madeleine showed him Mrs. Baker's card and gave a lively account of the interview.

"I have never been selfish in my life, and I want to see what it feels like. Oh, you are cruel, all of you, and you will break my heart." Christopher's face paled and grew stern. "We must all think of mother's wishes, Lila," he said gravely. For the first time the girl lost her high fortitude, and a babyish quiver shook her lips.

It was babyish love as yet, but there were dangerous possibilities which nobody foresaw, except Henry Stillman. "I don't know what will become of that child when she grows up if she can't have the man she falls in love with," he told Eunice one night, after Maria and Evelyn, who had been in for a few moments, had gone home.

Of this British commercial policy, following immediately upon the recognition of independence, Americans had not the slightest reason to complain. They had insisted upon being independent, and it would be babyish to fret about the consequences, when unpalatable.

"But what should I gain to pay me for all the suffering?" "Well, it seems sort o' babyish not to smoke." "Does it? I've never seen Grandpa Dinsmore smoke, and I don't believe he ever does, nor Uncle Edward, nor Uncle Horace either." "No, they don't, and Art doesn't, but they're all sort o' pious old fogies," Ralph said, with a coarse laugh.

"You look so nice and babyish!" But she knew that she could not keep him, and after a time she stood up again and sighed, and fell to stroking him thoughtfully. "I'll have you to-day, anyway," she declared, finally, with promise of enjoyment in her voice, as one who meant to make the most of it. Then she got back into the phaeton. The Judge started up the horse again.

And she went on storming at Prissy, who began to cry, and looked so weak and babyish that I was frightened she would betray the whole thing. "This is between you and Prissy, Emmeline," I struck in, "and I'm not going to interfere.