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Dear little sweetheart, he gave way at last, and we cried together passionately. But I wish he need not have gone for another year. He was more babyish than the others, more content to remain long my baby. His first letters from school were tear-stained and full of babyish thoughts and reminiscences.

These young things were offenders against the law, shut away here behind iron bars for the good of the commonwealth. Julia, whose life had made her wise beyond her years, watched them and pondered. Here was an almost babyish face; what did that innocent-looking twelve-year-old think of life, now that she had thrown her own away?

Long afterwards, he declared his hatred to a seafaring life, and willingly yielded to England the empire of the seas, "because there is danger and loss of life, and God knows what pity when it storms; and sea-sickness is for many people hard to bear; and the rough life that must be led is little suitable for the nobility:" which, of all babyish utterances that ever fell from any public man, may surely bear the bell.

She only laughs when she does something; and, nine times out of ten, it is something in which I cannot see anything to laugh at something which well, if it were not Cecilia, I should say was rather silly and babyish. I never did see any fun in playing foolish tricks on people, and worrying them in all sorts of ways. Hatty just enjoys it; but I don't. He did not shake hands, nor profess to do it.

It isn't babyish at all! She's asked me to marry her; and when we're grown up I'm going to so there!" Erebus knew her brother well; she perceived that she was confronted by what she called his obstinacy; and though his brazen-faced admission had raised her to the very height of amazement and horror, she uttered no protest.

Dinsmore had been wont to stigmatize as "that babyish look." And Violet's face was peerless in its fresh young beauty. As for the captain himself, he was a man of commanding presence, noble countenance, and magnificent physique, with fine dark eyes and an abundance of dark brown curling hair and beard; evidently Donald's senior by some years, yet not looking much, if at all, over thirty.

Miss Powers was shocked at this exhibition of emotion, and said with asperity: "Come, come, it's too late to talk like that now. And a big girl like you ought to be ashamed to act so babyish." But Mr. Fairfield kissed Patty tenderly and said: "Dear, we're going to be very brave, you know, and besides, you're only going for a visit.

The uplifted babyish face came back to him as he had first seen it under floating cherry-colored ribbons, and his anger of the last half-hour melted and vanished utterly away.

She stopped under the arbor, suddenly tranquillized upon finding herself with her back to the room. "What a den!"... she said. "Come over here, Ferragut. We shall be much more comfortable in the open air looking at the gulf. Come, now, and don't be babyish!... All is forgotten. You were not to blame."

Little babyish blue eyes they were with curly corners, a gay light in the sombre truculence of his face. They looked cautiously round. "I can tell you a little tale about S.K.R. You know the last time Smythe was ill ?" "You mean drunk." "Well temporarily extinguished. S.K.R., who knows his music-halls, was offered Smythe's berth.