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She heard only the booming of the great sea, and saw her mother seated by the fire darning socks, with Madge engaged in household work, and Phil tumbling with baby-brother on the floor, making new holes and rents for fresh darns and patches. Mrs Maylands was a student and lover of the Bible. Her children, though a good deal wilder, were sweet-tempered like herself.

He now hugged Dora, who responded. "It wasn't her own money," said Dicky. "If you think you're our darling baby-brother " said Oswald. But Alice and Noël began hugging Dora and H.O., and Dicky and I felt it was no go. Girls have no right and honourable feelings about business, and little boys are the same.

Charlie, wouldn't you have liked to see the little baby Jesus?" "Yes, that I would. I would have given him my white rabbit with the pink eyes." "That is what the great painter Titian must have thought, Charlie; for he has painted him playing with a white rabbit, not such a pretty one as yours." "I would have carried him about all day," said Dora, "as little Henny Parsons does her baby-brother."

"It can't be a spring-cleaning," he said, "because it's the wrong time of year." "Never say I did not tell thee," she answered, unfolding a great embroidered cupboard cloth and holding it up critically. "To-morrow thy father and mother come home, and thy baby-brother, and to-day sennight thy little cousins come to visit thee." "How perfectly glorious!" said Dickie. "But you didn't tell me."

The next instant she had fallen to the floor between them. The doctor, luckily on the spot, attending to the baby-brother, was with her in two minutes. There was nothing to be done. She was dead. She had been the loveliest and the gayest there, laughing her pretty, happy laugh, babbling with the rest.

I should jolly well think I did listen," H.O. went on. "I've just as much right as anybody else to be in at a council, and I think Dora was quite right, and the rest of you are beasts not to say so, too, when you see how she's blubbing. Suppose it had been your darling baby-brother ill, and nobody hadn't given you nothing when they'd got pounds and pounds in their silly pockets?"

Elspie said it was because they were so happy, and that Olive ought to be happy too, because God would soon send her "a wee wee brother." She would find him some day in the pretty cradle, which Elspie showed her. So the little girl went to look there every morning, but in vain. At last her nurse said she need not look there any more, for God had taken away the baby-brother as soon as it came.

She hastily turned away from the bed, and seated herself by the window, As she sat there, the image of her baby-brother came up vividly before her mind, and with it the feeling of desolation which the loss of a dear one always occasions.

I know a person who, when a child, got the notion that when his baby-brother was weaned, he was taken up on a grassy hill and tossed about. He had a vivid idea of having seen this curious ceremony. He has in vain tried to get an explanation of this picturesque rendering of an incident of babyhood from his friends, and has come to the conclusion that it was the result of a dream.

In the hollow-cheeked, large-eyed girl of ten, whom I saw giving a cheerless oversight to her baby-brother, I did not so much marvel at it. She had merely come a little earlier than usual to the perception of what was to be her business in life.