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Dinmont might there give directions about his faithful horse, which would probably be safe at the stables where he had left him. "Aweel, aweel, e'en sae be it for Dandie.

An noo, me leddy, ye maun e'en just forgie' an auld cummer like mesel' gin she writes you a' that followed, e'en though it should cut you to the heart; for ye ought to ken weel the ways o' your bitter ill-wishers. Aweel, then, and when I had answered me laird, he turned to the poleecemen and said: "'The truth is, Mr. Murray, that you have been deceived by a vera artful party.

"Aweel, Ellangowan," she said, "wad it no hae been a bonnie thing, an the leddy had been brought-to-bed, and me at the fair o' Drumshourloch, no kenning, nor dreaming a word about it? Ay, or 'said Saint Colme's charm for its sake, the dear?" And without waiting an answer she began to sing.

"I aye telled the gudeman ye meant weel to him; but he taks the tout at every bit lippening word." "Aweel, I'll stay the last minute I can." "And so," said the handsome young spouse of Mr. Girder, "ye think this Miss Ashton is weel-favoured? Troth, and sae should she, to set up for our young lord, with a face and a hand, and a seat on his horse, that might become a king's son.

"Well, all dat is vary well but get you on with your stories, mine goot friend," said Dousterswivel. "Aweel, ye see," continued the mendicant, "this was a job in the auld times o' rugging and riving through the hale country, when it was ilka ane for himsell, and God for us a' when nae man wanted property if he had strength to take it, or had it langer than he had power to keep it.

Jabesh Rentowel did weel observe, the land was mourning for covenants burnt, broken, and buried. 'My good friend, said Waverley, 'if you cannot let me have a horse and guide, my servant shall seek them elsewhere. 'Aweel! Your servant? and what for gangs he not forward wi' you himsell?

"Whatever it may be, I am content to overlook it," said De Gondomar; "and, in sooth, the knaves had received some provocation." "Aweel, since your Excellency is disposed to view it in that light," rejoined James "since ye display such generosity towards your enemies, far be it from us to oppose your wishes. The order for the 'prentice's release shall be made out at the same time as Sir Jocelyn's.

Weel, thinks I, there's nae place in this country they ca' Roman Gilead it will be some gate in the west muirlands; and or we win there I'll see to slip awa wi' this mither o' mine, for I winna rin my neck into a tether for ony Kettledrummle in the country side Aweel," continued Cuddie, relieving himself by detailing his misfortunes, without being scrupulous concerning the degree of attention which his companion bestowed on his narrative, "just as I was wearying for the tail of the preaching, cam word that the dragoons were upon us.

"Ou ay, I'm a bonnie piper, I'll no deny it!" he answered. "I'm glad ye like it, for, Sassenach though ye be, it proves ye hae the music. 'Tis a bit pibroch I made tae Wullie Wallace him as the damned Sassenach murtiered black be their fa'. Aweel! 'twas done afore your time or mine so gude-nict tae ye, Southeron!" Saying which, he rose, saluted me stiffly, and stalked majestically to bed.

"Aweel," said Miss Damahoy, "he might keep mair wit in his anger but it's a' the better for his wigmaker, I'se warrant." "The queen tore her biggonets for perfect anger, ye'll hae heard o' that too?" said Plumdamas. "And the king, they say, kickit Sir Robert Walpole for no keeping down the mob of Edinburgh; but I dinna believe he wad behave sae ungenteel."