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'O, Cora! Was he with her? Is he gone too? was Averil's cry at the first moment, as she strained the form of her little comforter for the last time in her arms. 'And if he is, they are in joy together, said Cousin Deborah, tenderly but firmly unloosing Averil's arms, though with the tears running down her cheeks. 'Take her away, Cora, and both of you sleep.

I re-wrote it and sent it in but I never really thought it could be accepted because it had no plot," said Anne, recalling the bitter experience of Averil's Atonement. "What are you going to do with that ten dollars, Anne? Let's all go up town and get drunk," suggested Phil. "I AM going to squander it in a wild soulless revel of some sort," declared Anne gaily.

May, 'and it is a very easy journey only four hours' railway, and a ten miles' drive. Averil's face was full of consternation; and Leonard leant forward with hope dancing in his eyes. 'You know the place, continued Dr. May, 'Coombe Hole. Quite fresh, and unhackneyed. It is just where Devon and Dorset meet. I am not sure in which county; but there's a fine beach, and beautiful country.

True, they were warned against crossing the Frontier. A few officers, of whom Captain Raymond, who was Averil's brother-in-law, and Toby Carey, the innocent-faced subaltern, were two, saw the rising wave from afar; but they saw it vaguely as inevitable but not imminent. Captain Raymond planned to himself to send his wife and her sister to Simla before the monsoon broke up the fine weather.

Meanwhile such a look of satisfied repose and peace shone upon Averil's face as was most sweet to look upon; and though extremely feeble, and not essentially better, she was less suffering, and could in great languor, but in calm enjoyment, pass through day by day of the precious present that had come to crown her long trial.

A whole year a year's reprieve was the one thought in Averil's head, that made her listen so graciously, and answer so amiably, that Henry parted with her full of kind, warm feeling.

And Averil's last murmur was Could he find out anything about other people's opinion of the speculation? did they know enough about Mr. Muller to trust themselves entirely in his hands? Henry was almost angry Could not his sister trust him to take all reasonable precaution? It was the old story of prejudice against whatever he took up. Poor Averil was disarmed directly.

"Averil's Atonement" "What are you dreaming of, Anne?" The two girls were loitering one evening in a fairy hollow of the brook. Ferns nodded in it, and little grasses were green, and wild pears hung finely-scented, white curtains around it. Anne roused herself from her reverie with a happy sigh. "I was thinking out my story, Diana."

"Well, anyway, it's a perfectly elegant story, Anne, and will make you famous, of that I'm sure. Have you got a title for it?" "Oh, I decided on the title long ago. I call it AVERIL'S ATONEMENT. Doesn't that sound nice and alliterative? Now, Diana, tell me candidly, do you see any faults in my story?"

"Derrick's information was the first I heard of the individual," he said. "I was unaware of the existence of a Secret Service agent within a radius of fifty miles. I believe General Harford encourages the breed. I do the precise opposite. I have no faith in professional spies in that part of the world. Russian territory is too near, and Russian gold too tempting." Averil's face fell.