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There was nothing for Lord Hasings to do now but order his men to their feet to meet this situation. At command, they leaped up quickly and presented a solid front to the foe. In the foremost of the fighting was Captain Stoneman, erstwhile commander of the Algonquin. He had long since discarded his empty automatics to favor of bare fists, and now he flung himself into the midst of the battle.

The other two gunmen, caught at disadvantage a few feet from the table, dived for their automatics. They were too late. Clay swung his body downward from the waist with a quick, strong jerk. The man on his back shot heels over head as though he had been hurled from a catapult, crashed face up on the table, and dragged it over with him in his forward plunge to the wall.

Eyer was feeling for the automatics in Naka's belt. "We won't need them!" yelled Jeter. "There isn't time. Let's go!" Jeter was away at top speed, almost pulling Eyer off his feet because their hands were still fastened together with the handcuffs. They were outside on the floor level.

Just as Tommy disappeared up the slope the cowboy officers were seen rushing toward the camp, their weapons ready for use. "I guess they think the train robbers are here," commented Will. The boys gathered in a little group not far from the fire and awaited, with what excitement and anxiety may well be imagined, the arrival of the officers. Their automatics were in their hands.

Jean shook his head negatively, and so did Chester, in spite of the fact that he had two automatics concealed in his clothes, for he did not think it wise to betray this to Duval. From his pockets the Apache chief produced a pair of automatics, one of which he handed to each. Then he dismissed them with a flourish of his hand. Jean led the way along the dark passageway and into the street.

"Then perhaps you'd better come along with Tommy and me and show us where to get these different kinds of animals the kid wants to put into his stew. That will help some." After breakfast the three boys started out with their automatics. They crossed the morass to the higher ground beyond and passed along in the direction of the camp.

Many times in the next hour the fusilade was repeated. It was plain that the mutineers were armed only with pistols. "Probably Ditty laid in a stock before he left New York," the captain muttered to Tyke. "Automatics, too." "His ammunition won't last long if he keeps wasting it this way," replied Tyke. "An' an automatic ain't always a sure shot."

He gave her a look that seemed to say, "You see what you've done think you could run things. A nice hornet's nest you've stirred up!" At first he turned away as though to go back to his office, but he seemed to think better of it. "You might as well shut down the whole plant," he said. "We can't do anything without the automatics. You know that as well as I do."

"You may go into the next room and change," said the general, and the lads hastened to obey. Ten minutes later, dirty, ragged and unkempt, they once more stood before General Gallieni. The latter surveyed them critically. "You'll do," he said at last, with an approving nod. "Now are you armed?" "Two automatics each, sir, and a good supply of cartridges," said Hal. "Bien!

In the garish, jumping light brave officers impulsively stood up to hearten their commands in their work, and dropped with half-uttered urgings, threats, and oaths on their lips. The bullets from the automatics missing one mark were certain to find another, perhaps four or five in a row, such was their velocity and power of penetration.