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We had a gallery of spectators. On one side stood the ugly-headed valet; on the other, in attitudes of horror, Mary and Miss Dibbs! "'You've ruined us both now, said the girl in blue. "I rose to my feet and was about to explain, when the ugly fellow rushed at me, brandishing a cane. I had quite enough to arrange without being bothered by him.

The ghostlike passengers, equally silent, sat bolt upright, or hung over the edge boards in attitudes horribly grotesque. At times instinct is better than reason, and it proved so in this case. The railway from Ealing in those days came under the City in a deep tunnel.

The beast has already been run through with a lance, the point of which is seen protruding from his haunch; but he still shows fight, while his two companions dash away at full speed. The design is skilfully composed to fill the triangular space, and the attitudes of men and beasts are varied, expressive, and fairly truthful.

This habit of declamatory chanting slightly affected his conversation, as we have seen in his interview with Dumay. The moment the mind becomes finical the manners follow suit, and the great poet ended by studying his demeanor, inventing attitudes, looking furtively at himself in mirrors, and suiting his discourse to the particular pose which he happened to have taken up.

The poor beasts had stood, with their legs stuck out in strange attitudes, mere wrecks of the beautiful little animals that we took away from New Zealand, and I could not help likening our condition to theirs on that painful day. The three of us sat on the sledge hollow-eyed and gaunt looking. We were done, our throats were dry, and we could scarcely speak.

He watched her as she came forward and retired, and went up and down, as she skipped and wriggled, and threw herself into extraordinary attitudes. For a long time he sat motionless and almost unable to speak. "Oh, Lord! To think that twelve times!... twelve times!... a whole dozen!" However, she fell into a chair, panting and worn out, and said to herself: "Thank Heaven!

I was to be their instructress in action and in attitudes, and to receive their praises and their admiration of my theatrical genius. It was a new scene of triumph for me, and I might then be said to be in the very height of my glory.

The astonished jay, projected straight upward by the shock, gave a startled squawk and cut a hole through the air for the tall timber. Stratton and Nolan went into convulsions of laughter. "Get at it!" cried the cookee, as though setting a pack of dogs on their prey. The men ate, perched in various attitudes and places. Thorpe found it difficult to keep warm.

All these diverse forms and attitudes stood clearly out upon the reddish background of the rock; and the immense expanded vault of the cavern, with its setting of oak and pine whose twisted roots appeared where they had pierced through the rock, gave a majestic air of grandeur to the spectacle. "Well, Maître Bernard," cried Christian, "it is broad daylight; had we not better start?"

At length they reached the palms; and, seated in various attitudes, looked up at the tempting fruit, all the while chattering away. How were they to reach it? Not a tree that was not covered with long needles not a bunch of the luscious fruit that was not far above the height of the tallest marimonda! How were they to get at it? that was the question.