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As near as might be guessed, it wanted yet an hour or two of daybreak when we made a landing within the boundaries of Appleby Hundred, and beached and hid the pirogue in the bushes. Of the down-stream flitting through the small hours of the warm midsummer night there is no sharp-etched picture on the memory page.

Why, the doc was saying, just this morning, when we was speaking of having read about you in the paper he was saying that you were the kind of man we need for president of our country club, instead of some dude like that sissified Buck Simpson. Buck is as punk an athlete as he is a shoeman, and, believe me, Mr. Appleby, we've got the makings of a fine country club.

There was Tom Carndale of Appleby, who could write alcaics as well as mere pentameters and hexameters, yet nobody would give a snap for Tom; and there was Willie Earnshaw, who had every date, from the killing of Abel, on the tip of his tongue, so that the masters themselves would turn to him if they were in doubt, yet he was but a narrow-chested lad, over long for his breadth; and what did his dates help him when Jack Simons of the lower third chivied him down the passage with the buckle end of a strap?

We have never had a boarder before, and Miss Anthea, bless her dear soul! was a little nervous about it. And here's the Sergeant!" "I er beg your pardon ?" said Bellew. "The Sergeant!" repeated Miss Priscilla, with a prim little nod, "Sergeant Appleby, late of the Nineteenth Hussars, a soldier every inch of him, Mr. Bellew, with one arm over there by the peaches."

She said she had that morning received intelligence from Sir Lancelot that the royal decree was already passed for the restoration of Clifford's son to all his father's lands and dignities, and it was with the utmost surprise Henry now learned, for the first time, how immense were the possessions to which he was entitled; for, besides the great estates of Skipton and Brougham, his inheritance comprised the castles, manors, and lordships of Appleby, Pendragon, Brough, and Mallerstane Chase in Westmoreland; Barden Tower, Copley Feld, and other manors in Yorkshire; with lands and castles in Cumberland, Northumberland, Derbyshire, Worcestershire and Surrey.

"That is as it may be, sir. I do not know the bounds of the outposting." The colonel wrote us passes to come and go at will past the sentries, and I drew Dick away. "What is it, Jack?" he asked, when we were by ourselves. "'Tis the fulfilling of my promise to you, Richard. Get your horse and we will ride together." "But whither?" he queried. "To Appleby Hundred and Mistress Margery."

But his voice sounded puzzled and he gazed incredulously at Mother as she cozily peeled potatoes, her delicate cheeks and placid eye revealed in the firelight. She was already as sturdily industrious and matter-of-fact as though she were back in the tea-room. "I'm Appleby, the pedestrian," said Father. "Wife and I went Say, ain't she the nicest-looking woman in that firelight!

"'Tis about it touches the title to Appleby Hundred," said I, equivocating as clumsily as a schoolboy caught in a fault. "Of course you know that the confiscation act of the North Carolina Congress re-established my right and title to the estate?" "No," said he; "you never told me." Then: "She writes you about this?" "About a matter touching it, as I say."

Seth Appleby, the famous wanderers, who at seventy, eighty, ninety, were exploring the world. Benighted tramps in city lock-ups, talking to bored police reporters, told the story, and it began to appear in little filler paragraphs here and there in newspapers.

The attention of the spectators, including the club members, was so entirely given to the finish of the famous race for the Railroad Cup, that, for a few minutes Snyder Appleby was the sole occupant of the dressing-room. When a group of the fellows, forming a sort of triumphal escort to the victors, noisily entered it, they found him standing by his machine.