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Long-suffering and loving Joe, you never complain. Nor you, sweet-tempered Biddy!" "Your appetite's been touched like by your accident," said the landlord, glancing at the bandaged arm under my coat. "Try a tenderer bit." "No, thank you," I replied, turning from the table to brood over the fire. "I can eat no more. Please take it away."

She evidently did realize, in a slight degree, what an unusual bargain was being offered in his heart-breaking sacrifice. "An' it ain't 'cause his appetite's gone that makes him thin. I wasn't tellin' the truth about that," he stammered desperately; "he's jest hungry."

It came on me soon aftah I come out of the wah, an' it growed on me like jim'son weeds in a hog-pen. My appetite's quit on me two pints of whiskey an' wild-cherry bark a day, suh, don't seem to help it at all, suh. I cyant tell whut the devil's the matter with my stomach. Nothin' I eat or drink seems to agree with me but whiskey.

Barbara was surprised. "Why, Uncle Jed!" she exclaimed, "I had breakfast ever so long ago! Didn't you?" "I had it about the same time you did, I cal'late. But my appetite's older than yours and it don't take so much exercise; I guess that's the difference. We'll eat pretty soon. Let's go and look the place over first."

Barrels of candle-grease flowed down the furrowed sides of this weapon for every drop of human blood that dimmed its luster. "APPETITE'S a queer thing," said Si to Shorty one day, when both were in a philosophical mood. "It's an awful bother when you haven't it, and it's a great deal worse when you have it, and can't get anything for it." "Same as money," returned sage Shorty.

"Don't mind about that," said Si; "I'm hungry enough to eat the wool on the sheep's back, even. Hand over your mutton, Billy, and thankee for it. My appetite's not delicate, I can tell you. Woolly mutton won't faze it more'n bark would a buzz-saw." Si didn't over-state the case.

Why, it's a lovely slender creature, with short pretty ears and taper limbs, and a sleek, glossy coat, like like me, Mary, dear; why, I'm an ass myself. Pray, do get me somethin' to eat. I really believe my appetite's comin' back agin." Mary looked at March in much concern.

He ran nimbly round it, and flung himself on a sofa exhausted, crying: "There!... My appetite's gone for to-day!" "Then shall I tell Richard that you won't touch a morsel of his cake?" said Adrian, leaning on his two hands over the table and looking at his uncle. "Richard?" "Yes, your nephew: my cousin: Richard! Your companion since you've been in town. He's married, you know.

Twinkleheels cried. "But Farmer Green would never allow me to." "We don't care to argue with you," said the bay who stood beside Ebenezer. "You are altogether too small for us to bother with any longer." "If I'm so small, then I shouldn't think what few oats I eat would annoy you," said Twinkleheels. "Oh, your appetite's big enough!" cried the other bay. "You're always eating something.

But you put before me bohunk hearts stuffed with bohunk sweetbreads " The Indian turned up his eyes in disgust. Torrance chuckled. "He knows the belly-ache it would give a fellow, and I bet he's et more men for breakfast than I ever dreamed of murdering. If your appetite's up to it, Big Chief, take a mouthful of that thug living up on the bank above the camp.