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He fo'gets that by a wise p'ovision o' that Gov'ment's foundehs it's got sev'l ahms, an' one holds down anotheh. The S'preme Cote Judge March, you go in an' see him; you jest the man to do it, seh!" John waited without. Presently father and son were seen to leave Captain Shotwell's headquarters and cross the square to the Courier office.

Naw, I didn't promise ter cook hes goose," meeting the other's eyes squarely; "I'm engagin' in anotheh kind o' frenzied fee-nawnce' altogetheh. Yuh hunt yuh leetle baid an' gatheh strength fer to-morrer's stren-u-hossity. I'm goin' on night-herd mahself." Douglass wheeled sharply. "Yuh are not going to ?" Red fumbled in the pocket of his shirt.

Its railed platform, commanding a view of the civic celebration, had its quota of onlookers a fierce-eyed old man with huge mustaches, an athletic young clergyman, two Bisques, and a goddess. "Climb up, Misteh Winton, and you, Misteh Adams; climb up and join us," said the fierce-eyed one heartily. "Virginia, heah, thinks we ought to call one anotheh out, but I tell her "

An' thass one thing I 'ave notiz about young ladies: they ah juz like those bird'; in summeh lookin' cool, in winteh waum. I 'ave notiz that. An' I've notiz anotheh thing which make them juz like those bird'. They halways know if a man is lookin', an' they halways make like they don't see 'im! I would like to 'ite an i'ony about that a lill i'ony in the he'oic measuh.

And when the secretary had vanished the Rajah made his explanations to all and sundry. "I've been obliged in a manneh to change ouh itinerary. Anotheh company is trying to fault us up in Qua'tz Creek Canyon, and I am in a meashuh compelled to be on the ground.

"Well, I am compel' to say you ah co'ect. I am continually makin' some discove'ies. 'Necessity's the motheh of inventions. Now thass anotheh thing I 'ave notiz about that month of Octobeh: it always come befo' you think it's comin'. I 'ave notiz that about eve'y month. Now, to-day we ah the twennieth Octobeh! Is it not so?" He lighted his cigarette. "You ah compel' to co'obo'ate me."

'Tis true the scripter say, To them what hath shell be givened, an' to them what hath not shell be takened away that which seem like they hath; but the scripter's one thing an' chicken-pie's anotheh." "Listen," whispered John, stopping the horse; and when Mr. Leggett would have begun again "Oh, do shut your everlasting " "P-he-he-he-he!" tittered the mulatto under his breath.

Proudfit laughed with manly glee, and offered no other interruption. "Well, seh, then it come Jeff-Jack's turn to keep his word the best he could." "Which he's done," said Gamble. "Yes, Jeff-Jack got still anotheh bill brought in an' paassed. It give the three thousan' to Rosemont entieh, an' authorized the three counties to raise the fifteen hund'ed a year by county tax." The Captain laughed.

If a fwend 'ave a necessity 'tis anotheh thing you don't feel that libbetty you ah 'ight I honoh you" "I don't feel the same liberty." "Mistoo Itchlin," said Narcisse, with noble generosity, throwing himself a half step forward, "if it was yoze you'd baw' it to me in a minnit!" He smiled with benign delight. "Well, madame, I bid you good evening, Misses Itchlin.

"I'se gwine to git you a little something warm to drink and something to eat right soon, and den I'se gwine put you-all to bed nice and clean, and in de mawnin' you'll feel like you was anotheh lady, you suttinly will, Ma'am." "Who are you?" demanded Josephine, turning to look into the old and wrinkled face. "I'se jus' Sally."