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"First you say you are too proud to accept them, and next that you won't accept them because it is worse to be defeated with points than without them." "Anyway, if you had the commonest feelings of humanity you wouldn't beat me," replied Mary, adroitly shifting her ground for the third time. "How can I help it if you won't have the bisques?" "How?

And yet, if there exists such a paradox as an aristocracy among boarding-houses, Mrs. Schulem's was of it. None of the boiled odors lay on her hallways, which were not papered, but a cream-colored fresco of better days. There was only one pair of bisques, no folding-bed, and but the slightest touch of dried grasses in her unpartitioned front parlor.

Its railed platform, commanding a view of the civic celebration, had its quota of onlookers a fierce-eyed old man with huge mustaches, an athletic young clergyman, two Bisques, and a goddess. "Climb up, Misteh Winton, and you, Misteh Adams; climb up and join us," said the fierce-eyed one heartily. "Virginia, heah, thinks we ought to call one anotheh out, but I tell her "

Two more strokes put me on to the green in twenty. I lit a pipe and waited for Henry to finish his game of rackets. "I've played twenty-five," he shouted. "Then you'll want some of my bisques," I said. "I can lend you three till Monday." Henry had one more rally and then picked his ball up. I had won seven holes and I had three bisques with which to win the match.

Manon's songs came to his head, and the sentimental melancholy of eighteenth century Paris with its gambling houses in the Palais Royal where people dishonored themselves in the presence of their stern Catonian fathers, and its billets doux written at little gilt tables, and its coaches lumbering in covered with mud from the provinces through the Porte d'Orleans and the Porte de Versailles; the Paris of Diderot and Voltaire and Jean-Jacques, with its muddy streets and its ordinaries where one ate bisques and larded pullets and souffles; a Paris full of mouldy gilt magnificence, full of pompous ennui of the past and insane hope of the future.

I was a little doubtful if I could do this, but Henry settled the question by misjudging yet again the breadth of the stream. What is experience if it teaches us nothing? Henry must really try to enlarge his mind about rivers. "Dormy nine," I said at the tenth tee, "and no bisques left." "Thank Heaven for that," sighed Henry. "But I have only to halve one hole out of nine," I pointed out.

Yet he had a pang of disappointment or pointless jealousy, or something akin to both when Adams lifted his hat to this particular goddess, was rewarded by a little cry of recognition, and stepped up to the platform to be presented to the elder and younger Bisques.

I use either a "Quo Vadis," which is splendid for going out of bounds, or an "Ostrich," which has a wonderful way of burying itself in the sand. I followed him to the green at my leisure. "Five," said Henry. "Seven," said I; "and if I take three bisques it's my hole." "You must only take one at a time," protested Henry. "Why? There's nothing in Wisden or Baedeker about it.

The fourth hole was prettily played by both of us, and with two bisques I had it absolutely stiff. Unnerved by this Henry went all out at the fifth and tried to carry the stream in two. My own view is that he should either have chosen another place or else have got a narrower stream from somewhere. As it was I won in an uneventful six, and took with a bisque the short hole which followed.

Morris, who engaged in the pastime with the same earnestness that he gave to every other pursuit in which he happened to be interested, was, as might be expected, getting the best of the encounter. "Won't you take a couple of bisques, dear?" he asked affectionately, after a while. "I don't like always beating you by such a lot."