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'Yes, yes, undo the door; do you not know my voice? 'No doubt, sister, said Angelica, undoing bolt and bar; 'but you know our charge, and the enemy is watchful to surprise us INCEDIT SICUT LEO VORANS, saith the breviary. Whom have you brought here? Oh, sister, what have you done?

"If we taught ourselves to be happy in this world, we should grow to love it too much, and then we should not strive to win the next." "And that would impoverish the Church?" Diavolo suggested. "But why not let us be happy, and you raise money in some other way?" Angelica wanted to know. "Miracles now I should try some miracles; a miracle must be much better than a bazaar to raise the funds."

Hamilton-Wells began didactically, moving his long white hands in a way that always suggested lace ruffles. "They will teach you to reason." "Then they'll teach me to reason too," said Angelica, setting herself down on the arm of a chair as if she had made up her mind, and intended to let them know it. All her movements were quick, all Diavolo's deliberate.

In this, at length, her defender appeared to be overmatched, when the Circassians broke the ring, and separated the combatants, who were borne asunder in the rush. Sacripant, severely wounded, profited by the confusion, and escaped into Albracca, where he was kindly received and carefully tended by Angelica.

If a text were as much as the patient required or could bear, he never made the mistake of preaching a sermon upon it in addition; and so for the third time he took up his pen and returned to his work, leaving Angelica engaged in sober thought, and happily quiescent. It was late when at last she went home, but the drive of many miles in the fresh evening air helped to revive her.

"Do I worry you with my scribbling?" Angelica demanded with hypocritical concern. "I'm sorry. But I've just done," and she went away with some half dozen notes for the post. When they met again at lunch she told him triumphantly that she had refused all the invitations which had come for him since his arrival, on account of his health.

Lady Angelica had followed to prevent mischief, and Mrs. Hungerford had followed to enjoy the pleasure of seeing Caroline's modest merit appreciated. Whilst Mr. Barclay admired in silence, Sir James Harcourt, not with his usual politeness, exclaimed, "I protest I had no notion that Miss Caroline Percy drew in this style!"

"Has your sister heard these reports?" he asked. "Yes." "And what does she say?" "Oh, she doesn't mind! Angelica feels quite sure that the Duke of Morningquest himself is your father. He was a loose old fish, they say. And there is a sort of family likeness between you. Angelica thinks you came here that your presence might be a continual reproach to him."

This had been a favourite position of theirs from the time they could sit up at all, and when there was a good deal of gossip going on about them it had always been a treat to see them sitting so, with blank countenances and ears open, collecting capital doubtless for new outrages on public decency. "What do you want to talk about. Angelica?" Ideala asked, smiling.

This Agrican had been an unsuccessful suitor to the damsel, whom he now pursued with arms. Orlando thus learned that he was within a day's journey of Albracca; and, feeling now secure of Angelica, he proceeded with all speed to her city. Thus journeying he arrived at a bridge, under which flowed a foaming river.