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His heart was too solitary. He lived without the sweet household ties the connections and amities he formed excited for a moment, but possessed no charm to comfort or to soothe.

Yet he soon found his true amities in books, as afterwards in life, not among the clever, smart, or sentimental, but among the simple and the great. He read and reread Shakespeare and the Bible, not because they were the merely proper things to read but because his spirit was akin to theirs. This meant that he never was a bookworm.

"Stephen a regagne l'appetit et part vendredi pour Londres. "Mes meilleures amities a Raoul, et tous mes souhaits pour un bon sejour a Lucerne, cet endroit si ravissant! "Vieux Papa." To the infinite amusement of "Vieux Papa," his daughter answered immediately, "We never knew that you had been at Freiburg," etc., etc.

For generally, all those amities which are forged and nourished by voluptuousnesse or profit, publike or private need, are thereby so much the lesse faire and generous, and so much the lesse true amities, in that they intermeddle other causes, scope, and fruit with friendship, than it selfe alone: Nor doe those foure ancient kindes of friendships, Naturall, sociall, hospitable, and venerian, either particularly or conjointly beseeme the same.

Moreover, the correspondencie and relation that begetteth these true and mutually perfect amities, why shall it be found in these? The father and the sonne may very well be of a farre differing complexion, and so many brothers: He is my sonne, he is my kinsman; but he may be a foole, a bad, or a peevish-minded man.

"Miladi a une migranie affreuse this morning," said Felicie, addressing herself on the stairs to Rose. "Mille amities de sa part to your young lady, Miss Rose, and miladi recommend to her to follow a good example, and to take her breakfast in her bed, and then to take one good sleep till you shall hear midi sonne."

Dans cette situation si nouvelle, et, je puis dire, sans precedents, je tiens a resserrer les liens de mes vieilles amities, et je tiens particulierement a entretenir mes relations avec la societe anglaise, ce grand centre intellectuel qui recueille et juge les affaires du monde entier.... Je vous prie d'offrir mes hommages a Madame et a Mademoiselle Reeve et de me croire Votre bien affectionne,

"I ride early in the Row," she said. "You can join me there if you wish. Good-night." She took her hand with great gentleness out of his and drove away. And the darkness shut down again on Hugh's heart. Ici bas tous les hommes pleurent Leurs amitiés et leurs amours. Many sarcastic but true words have been said by man, and in no jealous spirit, concerning woman's friendship for woman.

Mordaunt's answering note reached her late in the afternoon just before she set forth for her ride in the Park with Jack. "My love to your Aunt Philippa, and I am just off to Paris for the inside of a week. I shall be back for your cousin's wedding. Ask her to reserve her lecture till then. Our friend Bertrand sends his amitiés. I send nothing, for you have it all. "Yours, TREVOR."

Ceci doit nous engager a etre reconnaissants et modestes. Je vais mettre sous presse le Traite des Parties des Animaux en deux volumes, et je prepare celui de la Generation, qui, sans doute, en aura trois. J'espere que vous vous portez bien, ainsi que Madame Henry Reeve; je lui presente mes respects et mes amities, avec tons mes voeux pour sa sante et pour la votre. Votre bien devoue,