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Bentley's look with a flash of the old defiance, and fell, and then swept the room. "Will you come this way, Mr. Parr?" Mr. Bentley said, indicating the door of the bedroom. Alison followed. Her eyes, wet with unheeded tears, had never left Mr. Bentley's face. She put out her hand to him . . . . Eldon Parr had halted abruptly.

"I thought that you were a bit troubled to-day; but maybe that is why you have come, to be cheered up." Jim flushed and felt uncomfortable; he could not tell Louisa his real motive; he felt ashamed of himself, and longed to be out of this noisy scene. "And it isn't that I don't pity you," she continued. "Of course I can see that you are cut up; who would have thought that a gel like Alison "

They had spoken of the future, yet in these moments any consideration of it was blotted out. . . It was only by degrees that he collected himself sufficiently to be able to return to it. . . Alison took up the thread. "Surely," she said, "sacrifice is useless unless it means something, unless it be a realization. It must be discriminating.

Everett Constable bowed uncertainly, for Alison scarcely noticed them. "Ahem!" said Gordon, nervously, abandoning his former companion and joining her, "I was just saying, it's incredible " She turned on him. "It is incredible," she cried, "that persons who call themselves Christians cannot recognize their religion when they hear it preached."

Maids and men alike knew that they must do their work, or Alison Shaw would demand the reason of any neglect or unpunctuality; and with those black eyes fixed upon them it was impossible to prevaricate or offer excuses. The young ladies' visit must have been expected, for when they were ushered by Mrs.

"Are you a writer?" "No," Joe said. "My name is Alison, Alison Carl. Have you been here long? In Hawaii, I mean." "About six months . . . I used to live here." She had short sandy colored hair, a blunt nose and a wide mouth. No makeup. She chewed toast with a satisfied expression. "I'm doing post graduate work at the East-West Center. I saw the Dalai Lama yesterday." Joe sat straighter.

"It was then I got the idea of changing berths with him, getting into his clothes, and leaving the train. I give you my word I had no idea of throwing suspicion on him." Alison looked scornfully incredulous, but I felt that the man was telling the truth. "I changed the numbers of the berths, and it worked well. I got into the other man's berth, and he came back to mine. The rest was easy.

"Why, I was in the room that night of the play-acting, and I saw Alison Reed just by the stairs, looking as beautiful as a picter, and you come up with that other loud, noisy gel, and you talked to her werry affectionate, I must say. I heard what she said to you that there wasn't a thing in heaven above, or in earth beneath, she wouldn't do for you.

Shaw said: 'You were overcome by temptation, Alison Reed, and you took the money; but give it back to me now at once, and I'll promise to forgive you, and say nothing more about it. "Oh, I was so angry, and I said they might search me, and Mr.

Hadley grinned. "That's logic, faith. Well, sir, have with you." So off they rode. On the way Sir John was pleased to expound to Mr. Hadley the profound sagacity of his new plan. He would rally Geoffrey on his flaccidity; accuse him of being an oaf; and, describing all the while in an inflammatory manner the charms of Alison, hint that Geoffrey's tutor had ambitions after them.