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May I speak frankly?" Garavel inclined his white head without removing his intense, dark eyes from the speaker. "Don Anibal Alfarez can never be President of Panama!" The banker made no visible movement, yet the effect of this positive declaration was almost like that of a blow. After a pause he said: "May I tell him you said so?" "If you wish, but I do not think you will."

The appearance of the Avenger off the coast on that evening confirmed their ideas that the Donna Clara had been carried off by the English lieutenant, and Don Alfarez immediately despatched a vessel to Jamaica, complaining of the outrage, and demanding the restoration of his daughter. This vessel arrived at Port Royal a few days before the Enterprise, and the admiral was very much astonished.

But a half-hour later the commandant returned to the cell, and this time he brought with him a number of his little policemen, each armed with a club. Feeling some menace in their coming, Kirk, who had seated himself dejectedly, arose to ask: "What's coming off?" Alfarez merely issued some directions in Spanish, and chain handcuffs were once more snapped upon the prisoner's wrists.

"In that, at least, you are quite right, for Gertrudis is a good girl, and obedient, as a general rule; but it is impossible. Her marriage has been arranged." "Do you think that is quite fair to her? If she loves Ramon Alfarez " Once again Garavel's brows signalled surprise. "Ah, you know?" "Yes, sir.

Weeks wrinkled his face into a ludicrous expression of mournful disgust. "I couldn't pick a winner if there were two horses in the race and one of them had a broken leg. Whether his name is Anthony or Locke makes no difference to me. I got in 'Dutch' for meddling, and Alfarez lost his job for arresting him. It's only a damn fool who gets stung twice in the same spot. I'm through."

The appearance of the Avenger off the coast on that evening confirmed their ideas that the Donna Clara had been carried off by the English lieutenant, and Don Alfarez immediately despatched a vessel to Jamaica, complaining of the outrage, and demanding the restoration of his daughter. This vessel arrived at Port Royal a few days before the Enterprise, and the admiral was very much astonished.

"I?" The ex-commandant shrugged his shoulders in eloquent denial. "I shall do not'ing, bot if you are wise man you will not display yourself to the dangers of these climate; you will return 'ome." "Say! I've a good notion to punch your head." Alfarez paled slightly. "Soch would be most dangerous, for in Chiriqui prison there is at the present some fatal disease." He laughed sneeringly.

Pausing an instant to master her agitation, she hurried on. "To be President means a great deal to him and to our family; it is the greatest honor that has ever come to a Garavel. Senor Alfarez is terribly angry that I refused to marry his son, to whom since I was a little child I have been engaged. Ramon also is furious; he threatened to kill himself.

I I'm knocked clear off my pins." A tremendous wave of excitement surged over him. "So, that's what Alfarez meant. That's what SHE meant last night when she told me to look up " He broke off suddenly, for Edith's face had gone chalk-white. "But, Kirk, what about me?" she asked, in a strained voice. There was deathlike silence in the room. "You can't LOVE her," said the woman.

Anson, the lawyer, gave him a ray of encouragement as he left. "Don't go too much on this hearing," he said. "I think we'll pull you out all right." "You THINK! I dare say Ramon Alfarez can get a dozen men to perjure themselves as easily as he got those two." "Exactly. But I have a little coup that I intend to spring at the right moment." "For Heaven's sake, tell me what it is."