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My naughty, naughty boy! Mr. Acton, this is my son, Lord Carwitchet!" I broke off short in the midst of my polite acknowledgments to stare blankly at her. The sapphire was gone! A great gilt cross, with a Scotch pebble like an acid drop, was her sole decoration. "I had to put my pendant away," she explained confidentially; "the clasp had got broken somehow." I didn't believe a word.

"I should think you had drunk enough tea in China." "Since when is Mr. Acton more frequent?" asked the Baroness. "Since you came," said Clifford. "It seems as if you were a kind of attraction." "I suppose I am a curiosity," said the Baroness. "Give me time and I will make you a salon." "It would fall to pieces after you go!" exclaimed Acton.

Acton desired his company, but it did not seem fitting that he should spend those summer days in luxurious idleness while Laura Waynefleet toiled late and early at the lonely ranch. Again, he seemed to see her steady eyes with the quiet courage in them, and the gleam of her red-gold hair. Even then she was, he reflected, in all probability occupied with some severe drudgery.

"What is the matter with him?" asked Acton, when he was gone. "He seemed rather in a muddle." Eugenia, who was near the window, glanced out, listening a moment. "The matter the matter" she answered. "But you don't say such things here." "If you mean that he had been drinking a little, you can say that." "He does n't drink any more. I have cured him. And in return he 's in love with me."

He ought to have got together thousands of specimens from nature. He ought to have gone to all the married couples he knew, and asked them just how their passion was confessed; he ought to have sent out printed circulars, with tabulated questions. Why don't you do it, Acton?" I returned, as seriously as could have been expected: "Perhaps it would be thought rather intimate.

The cronies ran tightly together, nursing their wind and keeping well screened from eyeshot from the road, not that either Acton, or Bourne dreamed that their afternoon's run was being dogged by anyone.

"I'll put Acton on your track, my beauty, and perhaps he'll make you see or feel reason." "That game's no good, young shaver. I don't want to see Mr. Acting no more than you want to tell him of your little blow-outs. Look here, are you going to pay? Yes or no?" "I haven't got the money," said Jack, at his wits' end.

I should never have seen it, only I was watching a spider crawling up the wall, and it ran into the hole close to the end of the paper. Some fellows must be using the place as a sort of post-office; don't you remember Fred Acton made one in the wainscotting at The Birches? only these fellows have invented a cipher. Well, I'm going to find it out, and read this note, just for the lark."

"He pressed his suit very hard. At first he did n't wish me to marry him; on the contrary. But on that basis I refused to listen to him. So he offered me marriage in so far as he might. I was young, and I confess I was rather flattered. But if it were to be done again now, I certainly should not accept him." "How long ago was this?" asked Acton. "Oh several years," said Eugenia.

The Poems by Currer, Ellis, and Acton Bell, appeared first, and nothing happened. The Professor travelled among publishers, and nothing happened. Then, towards the end of the fourth year there came Jane Eyre, and Charlotte was famous. But not Emily. Wuthering Heights appeared also, and nothing happened. It was bound in the same volume with Anne's humble tale.