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The Marchioness hung on behind for a few moments, and feeling she could go no farther, clambered by a vigorous effort into the hinder seat, where she remained in silence, until she had to some degree recovered her breath, and become accustomed to the novelty of her position, when she uttered close into Mr. Abel's ear the words, "I say, sir."

"Pray, why don't you?" said Calliope to me almost savagely on the kitchen stairs. The coffee-making was a slow process and a silent one. Calliope and I were both absorbed in what had so wonderfully come about: That Delia More, who was dead, was alive again; or rather, that her spirit, patient within her through all the years of its loneliness, was coming forth at the sound of Abel's voice.

"'Elviry, how many up-stairs rooms is there in that house down on the Sound? "'Four, besides three small ones under the roof. Why, what made you think of that, Jesse? said she. "'I've got an idea, while Abel's been talking, he answered. 'We've taken a house for the summer, down the other side of Bridgeport, right on the water, where there's good fishing and a fine view of the Sound.

The first is by the naturalist to the Embassy. Abel's Narrative of a Journey in the Interior of China. 1816-17. 4to. Ellis's Journal of the Proceedings of the late Embassy to China. 4to. Relation du Naufrage sur la Côte de l'Isle de Quælpeart, avec la Description de Coree. Paris, 1670, 12mo.

And, after one or two strange plunges, quite of his own invention, the pony yielded to Mr Abel's mildness, and trotted gently off. All this time Mr Chuckster had been standing at the door, and the small servant had been afraid to approach. She had nothing for it now, therefore, but to run after the chaise, and to call to Mr Abel to stop.

The Fine Arts are not the road to fame for working-men. Jan, Jan, be guided by me. Learn what I bid ye. And when ye've made name and fortune the way I show ye, ye can buy paints and paintings at your will, and paint away to please your leisure hours." It did not need the gentle Abel's after-counsel to persuade Jan to submit himself to the schoolmaster's direction.

Her face was pale, but her eyes blazed and never had he felt so strongly the tie of blood that united them as he did while she stood there waiting for Abel's accusations with a gesture which appeared to fling them back in disdain.

Ketch me lett'n' go!" was Abel's emphatic answer. "Yeou lay still, 'n' wait t'll that man comes tew." He kept the hay-fork ready for action at the slightest sign of resistance. Mr. Bernard, in the mean time, had been getting, first his senses, and then some Jew of his scattered wits, a little together. "What is it?" he said. "Who 'a hurt? What's happened?"

But seeing the difficulty lies in the boy's nature alone, we'll hope that time will cure it, when he's old enough to look ahead and see which side his bread's buttered, if for no higher reason." Ironsyde left the Mill depressed; indeed, Abel's recurring holidays always did depress him. As yet no hoped-for sign of reconciliation could be chronicled.

He shook his head in sign of refusal. She looked fixedly at him, and said, "It must be so." This look, these words, sent to Count Abel's brain such a thrill of joy and of hope that for a moment he thought he had betrayed himself. He nearly fell on his knees before Mlle. Moriaz, but, speedily mastering his emotions, he bowed gravely, casting down his eyes.