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But, Yolara, see you on that heart and strength you have sworn by that they come to no harm else that which you have invoked shall come upon you swiftly indeed and that I promise you," she added. Their eyes met, clashed, burned into each other black flame from Abaddon and golden flame from Paradise. "Remember!" said Lakla, and passed through the portal.

Mikah had thrown back his covering skins and made this startling discovery. "Belial!" he roared. "Asmodeus, Abaddon, Apollyon and Baal-zebub!" "Very nice," Jason said admiringly, "you really have been studying up on your demonology. Were you just listing them or calling on them for aid?" "Silence, blasphemer! I have been robbed!"

"I suppose because nobody ever thinks of Abaddon for any reason. It's only a small planet, about four thousand miles in diameter, and it's three and a half billion miles from primary. It's frozen solid. It would take almost a year to get to it on Abbot drive, and if your ship has Dillinghams, why not take a little longer and go to a good planet? So nobody bothered with Abaddon."

The faces of the two presented a painful contrast one fair, hopeful, bright with noble aims, and youthful yet manly beauty; the other swarthy, cold, repulsive as some bronze image of Abaddon. For more than three weeks Edna had not spoken to Mr.

"A mighty man from the Desert, somewhere beyond Moab, and owner of camels in herds, and horses descended, they say, from the racers of the first Pharaoh Sheik Ilderim by name and title." Thus Malluch replied. The driver meanwhile exerted himself to quiet the four, but without avail. Each ineffectual effort excited the sheik the more. "Abaddon seize him!" yelled the patriarch, shrilly.

"I have a message for you, O sheik," he said, availing himself of a moment he supposed favorable for the speech "a message from Simonides, the merchant." "Simonides!" ejaculated the Arab. "Ah! 'tis well. May Abaddon take all his enemies!" "He bade me give thee first the holy peace of God," Malluch continued; "and then this despatch, with prayer that thou read it the instant of receipt."

"Yes! call me Apollyon, Abaddon, whatever name you shall choose, as a clergyman acquainted with the upper and lower circles of spiritual denomination, to call me by, you shall not find an appellation more odious to him that bears it, than is mine own." This sentence was spoken with the bitterness of self-upbraiding, and a contortion of visage absolutely demoniacal.

The seal was already broken. The address ran, TO VALERIUS GRATUS AT CAESAREA. "Abaddon take him!" growled the sheik, at discovering a letter in Latin. Had the missive been in Greek or Arabic, he could have read it; as it was, the utmost he could make out was the signature in bold Roman letters MESSALA whereat his eyes twinkled. "Where is the young Jew?" he asked.

In this place, which is called Abaddon, he saw the sinners taking snow by stealth and putting it in their armpits, to relieve the pain inflicted by the scorching fire, and he was convinced that the saying was true, "The wicked mend not their ways even at the gate of hell."

The New Testament takes little interest in the idea of the angelic hierarchy, but there are traces of the doctrine. The distinction of good and bad angels is recognized; we have names, Gabriel, and the evil angels Abaddon or Apollyon, Beelzebub. and Satan; ranks are implied, archangels, principalities and powers, thrones and dominions. Angels occur in groups of four or seven.