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Then she have reached his forelock up on his head so he looks like Martin Luther, and she have got him a-settin' down, so as not to get out of gear none. Mis' Bostick is a-wearing a little white rose pinned on her night-gown, and they is honeysuckle trailed all over the bed. But here am I a-chavering with you all, with time a-flying and no chance of putting salt on her tail this day.

"So Jone he went into the room where General Tom Thumb was a-settin' with his hat on, a-lookin' doleful at the bed, an' says he: "'What's the matter with the bed? "'Oh, it's too large entirely, says the General. 'It wouldn't do for me to sleep in a bed like that. It would ruin my character as a genuine Thumb.

"Hit ain't no use, suh," said the darky respectfully; "dey's mi'ions an' mi'ions ob gemmen jess a-settin' roun' an' waitin' foh Mistuh Keen. In dis here perfeshion, suh, de fustest gemman dat has a 'pintment is de fustest gemman dat kin see Mistuh Keen. You is a military gemman yohse'f, Cap'm Harren, an' you is aware dat precedence am de rigger."

"Purty soon Nellie got fussin' roun' the room, over nigh to where the yaller chap was a-settin', an' he spoke to her, saft-like, so ez we couldn't hear what he was a-gittin' at. Nellie she jest sniffed kinder scornful; an' then, what would yez suppose that chap done? He reached out suddent, grabbed her leetle wrist so hard 'at she cried out, an' slapped her yes, slapped her right across the mouth.

He was a-settin' on the table then, and having a spread all by himself. Then, of course, after that he gets sleepy, and I just bet you right now he's curled up as nice as you please in the very bunk I expected to occupy to-night. Just my luck!"

But when she looked fur off, fur off, ahead on 'em the gole that they wuz a-settin' out for, she had to almost lift her hands and hide her eyes from the dazzlin' glory. It most blinded her, so bright it wuz, and so golden the rays streamed out. Equal rights, Freedom for all, Love, Peace, Joy. I spoze she see a sight. Her face shone!

Any gent who thinks he wants more is the effect victim of whims. "While we-alls is discussin' the ground plans for this yere feast, thar's a clatter of pony-hoofs an' a wild yell outside, an' next thar's a big, shaggy-lookin' vagrant, a-settin' on his hoss in front of the Red Light's door. "'Get an axe, somebody, he shouts, 'an' widen this yere portal some. I aims to come in on my hoss.

"Thomas Payne's got your girl," he repeated; "he was over there a-courtin' of her last night; a-settin' up along of her." Barney took a step forward, and Ephraim fell back a little, still grinning imperturbably. "You mind your own business," Barney said, between his teeth; and right upon his words followed Ephraim's hoarse chuckle and his "Thomas Payne's got your girl."

An' we goes into t' drawn-room wheer her husband was a-settin'. They meks a gurt fuss ower t' dog an' I has a bottle o' aale, an' he gave me a handful o' cigars. Soa I coomed away, but t' awd lass sings out 'Oh, Mister Soldier, please coom again and bring that prettee dog. I didn't let on to t' Colonel's Laady about Mrs.

When I hove alongside that motor boat they was a-settin' close up together in the stern sheets and so, of course, I thought " "You hadn't any business to. You made that poor young lady blush somethin' dreadful. Most likely they're just keepin' company or engaged, or somethin'. You ought to be more careful." I wondered if the young lady herself heard all this. I didn't see how she could help it.