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The following table indicates the relative strength: |Armored | Wooden |Small craft| Total | Rifles |Total w't | | | | | |of metal |No.|Guns|No.|Guns| No.| Guns |No.|Guns|No.|Weight| | | | | | | | | | | | Austria | 7| 176| 7| 304| 12 | 52 | 22| 532|121| 7,130| 23,538 Italy | 12| 243| 11| 382| 5 | 16 | 28| 641|276|28,700| 53,236

Wilkes was not a 'Wilkite, nor was any of his party, if Wilkite meant anything like Jacobin. Parl. Hist. xxx. 787. State Trials, xxiv. 382. Thus, however anomalous the constitution of parliament, there was no thought of any far-reaching revolution. The great mass of the population was too ignorant, too scattered and too poor to have any real political opinions.

It certainly promises to be of great public benefit. A new hospital has been talked of for the last two years, but is not yet begun. Two long sheds, built in the form of a tent and thatched, are however finished, and capable of holding 200 patients. The sick list of today contains 382 names. Rose Hill is less healthy than it used to be.

Burke, Edmund: essay, 73; times mentioned, 382. Burns, Robert: festival, 224, 225; rank, 281; image referred to, 386; religious position, 409. Burroughs, John, view of English life, 335. Burton, Robert, quotations, 109, 381. Buttrick, Major, in the Revolution, 71, 72. Byron, Lord: allusion, 16; rank, 281; disdain, 321; uncertain sky, 335; parallelism, 399. Caesar, Julius, 184,197.

As reported from the Finance Committee, the first section fixed the maximum limit of United-States notes at $382,000,000. The limit was raised to $400,000,000 on motion of Mr. Wright of Iowa, and the Senate refused to allow any clause for future reduction. This was $44,000,000 beyond the amount of legal-tender notes then in circulation.

Ruskin, John: on metaphysics, 250; certain chapters, 336; pathetic fallacy, 337; plagiarism, 384. Russell, Ben., quoted, 267. Russell, Le Baron: on Sartor Resartus, 81, 82; groomsman, 83; aid in rebuilding the Old Manse, 272-279; Concord visit, 345. Saadi: a borrower, 205; times mentioned, 382. Sabbath: a blessing of Christianity, 123, 298. Sainte-Beuve, Charles Augustin, on poetry, 339.

Hand it right over, and draw me a check for my balance of $382.22. I'm going to cut the d d Gordian knot and get out of this! No use talking, my head's all bemuddled. 'F I was to go into the Street to-day I'd lose my whole fortune. Now, don't argue with me, old man, I'm out of sorts, and the best thing for me to do is to stop right short till I get clear-headed again. Draw me that check.

D'Espremenil, one of the counselors, was filled with excitement and wrath at the proposed toleration. Pointing to the image of Christ, which hung on the wall of the chamber, "would you," he indignantly exclaimed, "would you crucify him again?" But the appeal of bigotry was unavailing. Howard, Lazzarettos, 55. Coquerel, 93. Geffroy, i. 406. Cherest, i. 45, 382.

In the year 382 the Christian party had removed this altar and statue; and when their restoration was demanded by Symmachus, the request was refused by Ambrose, as opposed to the conscience of the Christian senators; and this decision being ratified by the votes of the assembly, the doom of paganism, as the national religion, was in consequence sealed.

All possible efforts were concentrated upon Senator James A. Reed but to no avail. To disprove his statements that his constituents were not in favor of woman suffrage, the Jackson county campaign committee, with Mrs. J. B. White of Kansas City chairman, sent him the signatures of 47,382 women and 12,583 men from his district, asking for it.