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"No, just what I said I am, an Out-Hunter who happened to come into some knowledge that will assist in straightening out a few crooked quirks in several systems. I have no love for the Kogan clan, but to help bring down a Veep of Wass' measure does aid in reinstating one's self-esteem." "This victim compensation I could claim it, even though the deal was a set-up?"

"Goot!" he cried on learning that a stranger was indeed waiting for him. His face beamed with anticipatory joy. Aha! he was not to be disappointed. "Vill he be jost the same?" he wondered. "Ah, if he is changed I shall veep!"

Fishel vill haff his friends pick up all de local shares he can, unt mit dees tree ve control de board. Schryhart iss out. He sess he vill resign. Very goot. I don't subbose dot vill make you veep any. It all hintges now on vether you can get dot fifty-year-franchise ordinance troo de city council or not. Haeckelheimer sess he prefers you to all utters to run t'ings.

Wass' influence reached into places where the Veep himself was totally unknown. Yes, he could count on an excellent, well above suspicion, set of clients to discover Rynch Brodie when the time came. "I can deliver the boy tonight, or early tomorrow morning. Where?" "You are sure of your selection?" "He fulfills the requirements, the right age, general appearance.

"Montemisselle," said he at length to the unhappy girl, "vill you be so goot as to let me be your protector?" "Why, I cannot help myself, monsieur," replied Esther, letting fall two large tears. "Do not veep. I shall make you de happiest of vomen. Only permit that I shall lof you you shall see." "Well, well, child, the gentleman is reasonable," said Asie.

"Everyting dat luxury shall sopply shall be for you. Not any qveen shall be more rich dan vat you shall be. You shall be respected like ein Cherman Braut. I shall hafe you to be free. Do not veep! Listen to me I lofe you really, truly, mit de purest lofe. Efery tear of yours breaks my heart." "Can one truly love a woman one has bought?" said the poor girl in the sweetest tones.

The Veep stopped short. He made no move to unsling the needler he carried, its barrel pointing skyward over his shoulder, but his round head with its upstanding comb of hair swung slightly from side to side. "Stop Wass this is a trap!" His three men kept on.

"Through a series of fortunate chances which might never occur again." Hume was patient, too patient, Rovald seemed to think. His hand moved, he was holding a ray tube so that a simple movement of the wrist could send a crisping blast across all the rest of the party. "I say, stop this yapping and get out there and pick up the Veep!" "I intend to after I call the Patrol."

He had not seen the Hunter since they had both been loaded into the Patrol flitter in the gap. Wass had come out of the valley a witless, dazed creature, still under the mental influence of whoever, or whatever, had set that trap. As far as Vye knew the Veep had not yet recovered his full senses, he might never do so.

This was it the corner of no return. But Wass had his own code. The Veep had established his tight control of his lawless organization by set rules, and one of them was, don't be greedy. Wass was never greedy, which is why the patrol had never been able to pull him down, and those who dealt with him did not talk.